
Porn video clip streamed on display screen at Patna railway junction; probe underway


Published : Mar 20, 2023, 10:40 AM IST

Updated : Mar 20, 2023, 4:06 PM IST

Passengers said that the obscene video clip started playing on the display screen at around 9:30 pm on Sunday night after which the Railway Protection Force (RPF) officials turned the screen off.

Patna Junction display screen
Patna Junction display screen

Patna: Railway officials and passengers were left red-faced on Sunday after Cyber criminals hacked the advertisement display board of Patna Junction in Bihar's capital Patna and streamed porn videos on the screen, official sources said. Officials said that the obscene videos suddenly started playing on the display board at around 9:30 pm on Sunday.

The indecent scenes left the passersby and officials red-faced as chaos overwhelmed the entire Patna junction. Officials said that the passengers especially those traveling with their families were seen turning their faces away from the display screen of the board facing the main road. The footage of the incident is also being shared on the Internet wherein the woman passengers are seen uncomfortable while the obscene videos are playing on the screen.

People at the station left embarrassed: People present at the station said that they had to face embarrassment as nude videos started playing after 9:30 pm. As soon as the station management came to know about the incident, the signal of the display screen was immediately switched off, an official said.

Also read:Miscreant streams porn content in a fifth-grade online class in Pune

A case has been registered in this regard at the RPF station at Patna Junction and a further investigation has been launched, he added. It is believed that the indecent act is the handiwork of cybercriminals.

RPF launches probe: The concerned Railway Protection Force (RPF) Inspector said that between 9:56 pm to 9:59 pm, the video was played for about 3 to 4 minutes. He said that the screen was turned off soon after the RPF came to know about the obscene video being played on the display screen. The investigation, in this matter, is being done by registering a case against the unknown miscreants, he said.

The passengers and locals blamed the Railways for negligence in the matter. An official said that the RPF has written to the Government Railway Police (GRP) seeking action in this regard.

Last Updated : Mar 20, 2023, 4:06 PM IST


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