
Gaya: Hunt on for Chinese woman suspected of spying on Dalai Lama


Published : Dec 29, 2022, 8:54 AM IST

A massive search is on for a suspected Chinese woman who allegedly came to Bihar's Gaya to spy on Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama. SSP Gaya said, "the suspected Chinese woman spy has not been identified yet. A sketch has been circulated all over to trace her soon."

Bihar: Chinese woman suspected to spy on Dalai Lama, sketch released
Bihar: Chinese woman suspected to spy on Dalai Lama, sketch released

Gaya (Bihar): Indian security agencies launched a massive search for a suspected Chinese woman spy in Bihar's Gaya. The Chinese woman is suspected to have come to spy on the movements of Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama who is in Gaya for almost a month. A sketch of the Chinese woman has also been circulated by the police as part of the hunt.

Considering the threat perception, the Buddhist religious leader Dalai Lama has been given a four-layer security during his current stay in Bodh Gaya. The Gaya police are searching for the suspected Chinese woman and are also taking the help of social media in the process. The Central security and intelligence agencies have also been informed about this. They have also started the process of locating the woman.

The Chinese woman has been living in different parts of the country and has now reached Gaya, said sources. Harpreet Kaur, SSP Gaya said, "the suspected Chinese woman spy has not been identified yet. A sketch has been circulated all over to trace her soon. She has no previous history and has been living in the country for the last two years."

Also read:Gaya authorities issue Covid guidelines ahead of Dalai Lama's visit

The Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government have been in exile for years now. When China annexed Tibet, the Dalai Lama fled to India with some thousand followers in 1959. Currently, Dharamshala, located in northern India, houses the Tibetan government-in-exile and the Dalai Lama.


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