
Fourth wildfire in Greek island of Evia, villages evacuated


Published : Jul 6, 2019, 2:31 PM IST

The first blaze broke out on Thursday afternoon while another two started simultaneously just before midnight. Over 250 firefighters are battling wildfires.

Fourth wildfire in Greek island of Evia, villages evacuated

Evia:A wildfire broke out on Friday afternoon in the Greece island of Evia and was destroying woodland and agriculture areas. This is the fourth fire that raged after the first three broke out on Thursday in the same locality.

Authorities have ordered evacuation of four villages and put over 250 firefighters to battle the wildfires.

According to sources, the first blaze broke out on Thursday afternoon while another two started simultaneously just before midnight.

Fourth wildfire in Greek island of Evia, villages evacuated

Authorities said that four water-dropping planes, three helicopters along with 100 vehicles and earth-moving machinery were battling the flames.

Meanwhile, a 64-year-old man had been arrested on suspicion of starting the first fire by using a naked flame to burn dried weeds near his house.

Wildfires are common in Greece during the hot, dry summer months.

Last year, the country's deadliest fire killed 101 people in the seaside settlement of Mati outside of capital Athens, including many who drowned as they tried to swim away from intense heat and smoke engulfing beaches.

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