
Indonesia: Buildings set ablaze during Papua riot


Published : Sep 23, 2019, 5:21 PM IST

Papua police chief Rudolf Alberth Rodja said the protests began after a teacher made a racist comment about Papuan students in the city of Wamena.

Buildings set ablaze during Papua riot

Wamenda:Protesters in Indonesia's restive Papua province set fire to homes and other buildings on Monday.

Television footage showed black smoke billowing from the burning structures.

Buildings set ablaze during Papua riot

Security forces patrolled the streets, shoot to disperse the demonstrators.

Papua police chief Rudolf Alberth Rodja said the protests began after a teacher made a racist comment about Papuan students in the city of Wamena.

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Just days ago the Indonesian authorities claimed to have brought the province under control after weeks of protests against racism in the region, where an insurgency has simmered for decades.


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