
Gujarat to mourn Morbi disaster on Nov 2; cops cite 'technical flaws' as reason for collapse


Published : Nov 1, 2022, 7:04 AM IST

"The Gujarat government has decided to observe state-wide mourning on November 2. (The National) Flag will be flown at half mast in the state and no official function will be held," Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel tweeted. He informed this decision was taken in a high-level meeting chaired by the Prime Minister.

Gujarat to mourn Morbi disaster on Nov 2; cops cite 'technical flaws' as reason for collapse
Gujarat to mourn Morbi disaster on Nov 2; cops cite 'technical flaws' as reason for collapse

Morbi(Gujarat): As the investigation progresses into what is being called one of the most tragic accidents in India over the last decade, the probing officials have said that technical and structural flaws and some basic maintenance issues are responsible for the tragic accident that has so far taken a toll on 134 lives, while many others still remain missing and unaccounted for. Meanwhile, the Gujarat government has declared statewide mourning on November 2 to pay homage to victims of the Morbi bridge collapse, as decided during the meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to review the situation on Monday.

"The Gujarat government has decided to observe state-wide mourning on November 2. (The National) Flag will be flown at half mast in the state and no official function will be held," Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel tweeted. He informed this decision was taken in a high-level meeting chaired by the Prime Minister.

Speaking to the media on Monday, Rajkot Range IG Ashok Kumar Yadav said the police will take help from forensic experts and structural engineers to investigate all aspects related to the incident."Our preliminary investigation has revealed that technical and structural flaws, including (lack of) certification as well as some maintenance issues, were responsible for the tragedy," Yadav said.

CCTV footage of the incident that surfaced as the investigation was underway clearly indicated that the people present on the bridge may have brought the tragedy upon themselves as they could be seen jumping and shaking the wires of the bridge on purpose. One suspension cable then suddenly snaps in the video, sending the entire bunch of people into the river.

Also read:Morbi disaster: 56 children among 134 dead; PM chairs high-level meet - 10 points

Meanwhile, some media reports claimed the officials on Monday arrested nine persons, including four employees of the Oreva group that was managing the Morbi suspension bridge for culpable homicide. The Oreva group had bagged the contract to maintain and operate the British-era bridge that collapsed on Sunday evening, four days after it was reopened post-renovation. "Of these nine, two work as managers, while two work as ticket booking clerks (all four employed by Oreva group) at the bridge site. We will conduct a thorough inquiry and will not spare the guilty," Yadav told a press conference.

The other five accused include two repairing contractors hired by the Oreva group and three persons working at the bridge as security personnel, he said. They have been booked under sections 304 (Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder) and 308 (Attempt to commit culpable homicide) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). However, Morbi Superintendent of Police (SP) Rahul Tripathi has denied the reports, claiming that though an FIR was filed in the matter, no one was arrested so far.

"A total of 134 persons have died in the incident while 10 are still under treatment. 56 persons who were rescued alive earlier were already discharged. As of now, no person is missing. However, we will continue our search and rescue operation tomorrow. People can contact us if they have any information about any missing person" said Yadav. The FIR registered in the matter stated the bridge was not in use for nearly eight months as the local administration had roped in a "private agency" for its maintenance.


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