
Google CEO Sundar Pichai attributes his success to better half Anjali


Published : May 1, 2023, 9:16 PM IST

Behind every successful man, there is a woman, it seems Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, strongly believes in that as he attributed his success to his wife Anjali. "I was an introvert, but my wife made me open up and that made me what I am today. I am very proud of my better half as she balances work and family equally," he says with pride.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai attributes his success to better half Anjali
Google CEO Sundar Pichai attributes his success to better half Anjali

Hyderabad:Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, went down memory lane and reminisced about his love story. Recalling his humble beginning to dizzying heights, he said, "Anjali is the reason why I have reached this level. We first met at IIT Kharagpur. Basically, I am an introvert, but she changed what I am today. I can still feel my tension while proposing to her. I felt it is easier to get this position at Google than to propose to Anjali. Accepting my love is her greatness. Though I was not financially settled then, she believed in me. After B Tech, I went to the US to do my Masters. She joined Accenture as a Business Analyst. Back then it was very expensive to call from America. I don't have any money. We have had no communication for six months. But, that distance brought us closer. After I joined the job, we got married with the permission of her parents."

Also read:Google CEO Sundar Pichai visits Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu

"Anjali played a vital role in every important situation in my life. She is my advisor when I am in doubt on many important matters, she provides an immediate solution. I couldn't take a decision when I got offers from Microsoft, Yahoo and Twitter. I was in this position as she made me not leave to quit Google. I always learn something new from her as she embodies self-confidence," Sundar Pichai says with a pride

“Education and economic freedom are very important for women. After we came to America, she did her master's at Stanford. Along with household responsibilities and taking care of two children, she is doing well as a Business Operations Manager at Intuit. One can learn from her how to balance work and family,” Sundar Pichai said.

Anjali recognises the difficulties of others and takes the lead in helping them. Apart from serving on behalf of many charities, she also donates to service organisations like Doctors Without Borders and American India Foundation, he said. “Her idea is to distribute Rs 1.20 crore to the victims of Covid in India. As one of the Board of Directors of 'The Bay Area Discovery Museum' in California, she is working for the education of poor children. She is also working with a cultural organisation for the preservation of the culture and traditions of Africans. All this inspires me, he signs off.


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