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India is largest democracy, it's voice matters, says French envoy Lenain on Russia-Ukraine crisis

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Published : Mar 3, 2022, 8:47 PM IST

French Ambassador to India, Emmanuel Lenain, said on Thursday that India's voice, as the largest democracy in the world, mattered in the context of ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.

India is largest democracy its voice matters says French envoy Lenain on Russia Ukraine crisis
India is largest democracy its voice matters says French envoy Lenain on Russia Ukraine crisis

New Delhi: Amid heightened tensions due to Russia's military actions in Ukraine, French Ambassador to India Emmanuel Lenain on Thursday said that India is the largest democracy in the world and its voice matters.

"India's voice is very important. It's the largest democracy in the world. India aspires to an even larger responsibility in the international fora. My country is a strong supporter of India getting a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council. India is a voice that is heard in the world," Lenain said in an inclusive interview with ANI.

He referred to India's statements in which it had stressed the "importance of respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations".

"We really count on the largest democracy in the world. India has made statements on respect for territorial integrity which are very welcome," the French envoy said.

Also read: Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov likens US to Nazi Germany

India and 34 other countries on Wednesday abstained from a UN General Assembly resolution that censured Russia over its military actions against Ukraine.

India had earlier abstained from the UN Security Council procedural vote to call for a General Assembly session on the Ukraine crisis. India along with China and UAE had last week abstained from a US-sponsored resolution against Russia's military actions in Ukraine. Moscow used its veto against the resolution.

Lenain said India shares a good relationship with Russia and it "must bring Moscow to the discussion table".

He said New Delhi should support the humanitarian resolution in the upcoming UN Security Council meeting.

"Nobody should say what India should do. As the crisis is deepening, support from India would be very welcome because India's voice matters," said Lenain.



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