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Thousands join rally in Washington for women's rights, against Trump

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Published : Jan 19, 2020, 2:02 PM IST

Updated : Jan 19, 2020, 2:38 PM IST

Protesters started the rally with a moment of silence to commemorate victims of women's rights violations. After a short opening ceremony, they marched on the wide perimeter around the White House.

Women protest
Thousands join rally in Washington for women's rights, against Trump

Washington: Several thousand people gathered here on Saturday to join a rally for women's rights and protest against US President Donald Trump's policy.

Light frost, snow and freezing rain did not startle activists who began their Women's March from Freedom Plaza at Pennsylvania Avenue just between the White House and US Congress, and steps away from Trump International Hotel reported media.

"The mission of Women's March is to harness the political power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change," organizers said.

They added, "We are committed to dismantling systems of oppression through nonviolent resistance and building inclusive structures guided by self-determination, dignity and respect."

Protesters started the rally with a moment of silence to commemorate victims of women's rights violations. After a short opening ceremony, they marched on the wide perimeter around the White House.

Thousands join rally in Washington for women's rights, against Trump

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A women's musical group from Chile performed the global feminist protest anthem A Rapist in Your Path, and all people sang along with them in English and Spanish languages.

"Today we are not dealing with the evidence of hate, we are going to deal with love," the Reverend Sheri Dickerson from Oklahoma City said.

Addressing the audience of thousands, Dickerson noted that women are the soul of the nation. "Women of this nation must become its soul. Love overcomes hate," she added.

Son of Martin Luther King Jr - human rights advocate Martin Luther King III reminded that next Monday America will commemorate his father at Martin Luther King Day. He urged the audience "to be a voice for those who have no voice."

"When women have come together, changes begin around our nation and world," he said.

Many of protesters brought their own posters. "Women's rights are human rights", "Unlock the future for women and girls",

The rally was peaceful, but dozens of police officers were on the scene to keep order. Some verbal skirmishes were flashing between opponents and supporters of abortions, but they were very brief and calm.

Some protesters joined the rally not only to support women but to express their frustration about President Donald Trump. "Impeach Trump," "Trump/Pence Out Now," their posters said.

"I am against Trump. He is taking this country backward," a woman in a red 19-century style coat and hat said. "I am here because I am scared."

Another lady, named Mary Lou, said that she comes to every rally against Trump.

"I do not care if it is women rally, climate change - I come to all of them. Trump is bad on all levels for women, for men, the young people, for the climate, for democracy, for everything," she said.

Organizers said that protesters sent a strong message of their determination to fight for women's rights and against Trump.

Also read: Trump uses rally to defend Iran policy as Democrats decry it

Last Updated : Jan 19, 2020, 2:38 PM IST
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