
King of Netherlands hosts State Banquet in honour of President Kovind at Royal Palace


Published : Apr 6, 2022, 3:46 PM IST

Updated : Feb 3, 2023, 8:22 PM IST

King of Netherlands Willem Alexander on April 5 hosted a State Banquet in honor of President Ram Nath Kovind and the First Lady Savita Kovind at Royal Palace Amsterdam. President Ram Nath Kovind in his speech during the state banquet thanked the Netherlands King for the cordial welcome and warm hospitality. "I am deeply touched by the kind reception accorded to me and to my delegation," President Kovind said in his banquet speech." This year marks a milestone in our bilateral journey as we are jointly celebrating the 75th anniversary of our diplomatic relations that reflects the depth of India-Netherlands partnership," he added.
Last Updated : Feb 3, 2023, 8:22 PM IST


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