
World Health Day 2023: Health for All


Published : Apr 7, 2023, 1:01 AM IST

The most important aspect of a person's life is their health, which determines the quality of their life. World Health Day is observed every year around the globe on April 7th, to promote wellness and healthy living. On April 7th 2023, the World Health Organisation also celebrates its 75th Anniversary.

World Health Day 2023: Health for All
World Health Day 2023: Health for All

Hyderabad: People have been using the phrase "Health is Wealth" since forever now, to highlight the importance of health in determining the quality of our lives. World Health Day is observed every year on April 7th all around the world to spread awareness about the importance of health and wellness.

The World Health Organization was established in 1948 by countries of the world to promote health, serve the vulnerable, and keep the world safe so that everyone in the world can have access to better health and lifestyle. In 1950, the first World Health Day was observed on April 7th to promote healthy living and wellness as an important aspect of life.

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World Health Day is observed to inform people about taking care of their health to live a quality life. It marks WHO's founding and serves as an opportunity to gain worldwide attention to propagate global health. World Health Day has been acknowledged by government organisations as well as NGOs, which have an interest in public health issues and organise activities and highlight their support in media reports.

In the year 2023, World Health Day will be observed around the theme 'Health for All'. Among the various ways of observing World Health Day, being vigilant enough about your health is the centre of this event. Various organisations conduct educational campaigns and workshops to educate people about the importance of healthy living. Government organisations provide free health checkups to make people aware of healthy living and the importance of a disease-free society.


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