
Man lynched in Uttar Pradesh over guava plucking


Published : Feb 25, 2021, 11:30 AM IST

A man was allegedly lynched in Uttar Pradesh over guava plucking. A case has been registered against two accused persons.


Rampur (Uttar Pradesh):A man was allegedly beaten to death by his neighbours after he stopped them from plucking guavas from the tree inside his house.

The incident took place in Shekhpura village under Azeem Nagar police station when the man asked his neighbours not to pluck the fruits.

This led to an argument and 27-year-old Mehfooz Ali was beaten brutally by the accused who fled after the incident.

Mehfooz Ali was rushed to a hospital where he succumbed during treatment.

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The incident took place on Monday and Mehfooz died on Tuesday.

SHO Azeem Nagar police station, Ravindra Kumar said, "The man was rushed to the Rampur district hospital where he died during the treatment on Tuesday. The autopsy report that arrived on Wednesday has revealed that he died due to ante-mortem injuries. An FIR has been registered under section 304 (punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)."

A case has been registered against two accused persons. One of them, Shakir, has been arrested.

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According to the complaint registered by the victim's family, Mehfooz got into an argument with his neighbours for plucking fruits from the tree in his house, some part of which is accessible to the latter from their terrace.

"My son was beaten up mercilessly by Shakir and his nephew who later fled the spot. The two are responsible for my son's death," father of the victim, Mehmood Ali, alleged in his complaint.

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