
MLA defends Sachin Pilot over caste allegations


Published : Jun 23, 2021, 12:00 PM IST

Updated : Jun 23, 2021, 12:38 PM IST

MLA Murari Lal Meena, a loyalist of Sachin Pilot came down heavily on legislator Ramkesh Meena after he accused Pilot of playing caste politics.

MLA Murari Lal Meena
MLA Murari Lal Meena

Dausa (Rajasthan):Gangapur city MLA Ramkesh Meena's statement that Sachin Pilot was engaging in caste politics has intensified the political atmosphere in the state. Reacting to the statement, MLA Murari Lal Meena, a loyalist of Sachin Pilot, lambasted the statement and said that Pilot is a leader of 36 communities and it's because of him the Congress formed the government in Rajasthan.

"Pilot, being the state president, united all the societies and in the 2018 assembly elections, people of all castes voted in favour of the Congress," said MLA Murari Lal Meena. He also lauded Pilot for having resolved the internal differences between the Gujjar and Meena castes which erupted following the Gurjar reservation movement.

MLA Murari Lal Meena

He said that the harmony that exists today between the Gujjar and Meena castes is only because of the efforts of Sachin Pilot. He further advised MLA Ramkesh Meena to refrain from making such statements that would create a rift between the communities. He further said that though Sachin Pilot has always been referred to as an outsider, the Pilot family has always been politically active in Rajasthan since 1980 as both his father and mother were Members of Parliament. Also, Sachin Pilot himself has been an MP and a minister and President of the State Congress and hence, the statement made by Ramkesh Meena deserves to be condemned, Murari Lal Meena said.

Read:Sachin Pilot opens poster war as 'turncoats' call meeting

MLA Ramkesh Meena had also accused Sachin Pilot of hatching a conspiracy to become the Chief Minister of Rajasthan and that the people will oppose such a person.

Last Updated : Jun 23, 2021, 12:38 PM IST


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