
Overnight cloud cover, mild showers in Kashmir parts bring respite from intense cold wave

By ETV Bharat English Team

Published : Dec 23, 2023, 11:07 AM IST

Kashmir valley on Saturday woke up to an overnight cloud cover even as mild showers were experienced at a few places bringing respite from the intense cold wave in the valley. The meteorological department had predicted generally cloudy weather in the valley with possibility of light rain/snow over isolated higher reaches till today morning and improvement in the weather thereafter.

Snowfall in Kashmir
Snowfall in Kashmir

Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir): Amid an overnight cloud cover and mild showers, cold conditions eased in Kashmir valley giving respite to the locals. Barring a few places, the valley recorded above zero temperatures. As predicted by the local meteorological department, Kashmir valley woke up to mild showers on Saturday morning with Srinagar recording a minimum temperature of 1.2°C against minus 3.3°C on previous night.

Qazigund, the gateway of Kashmir recorded a minimum of 1.4°C against minus 3.3°C on the previous night, the meteorological department official said. Pahalgam, the tourist destination in south Kashmir's Anantnag district recorded a low of 0.2°C against minus 4.8°C on the previous night. Skiing destination Gulmarg recorded a low of minus 1.5°C against minus 1.0°C on the previous night which was 4.3°C above normal for the world famous skiing resort in north Kashmir.

Jammu, the winter capital of Jammu and Kashmir recorded a minimum of 10.5°C against 8.5°C on previous night, and it was below normal by 2.0°C for the winter capital of J&K. Kashmir valley is currently reeling under intense cold wave in the ongoing ‘Chillai-Kalan’, the harshest period of winter in the valley. The 'Chillai-Kalan' begins on Dec 21 and ends on January 30.

The local meteorological department in Kashmir on Friday predicted generally cloudy weather in the valley with possibility of light rain/snow over isolated higher reaches till today morning and improvement in the weather thereafter. From December 24-26, weather is expected to be generally dry, the MeT official said.

“Generally cloudy weather is expected with possibility of light snow over isolated higher reaches on December 27. Generally dry weather is expected from December 28-31. Overall there is no significant weather activity till December ending,” added the meteorological department official.

Also read:

  1. Weatherman predicts rains, snowfall in Kashmir
  2. Intense cold wave grips Kashmir; Srinagar shivers at minus 4.4°C
  3. Biting winter: Kashmir in grip of intense cold wave


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