
Meet Kashmir's budding calligrapher Meesaqun Nabi


Published : Oct 28, 2020, 8:40 AM IST

Updated : Oct 28, 2020, 9:31 AM IST

Rani Meesaqun Nabi, a 21-year-old budding calligraphy artist from Kashmir has taken forward the legacy of her father as she developed an interest in calligraphy during the period of lockdown.

Meesaqun Nab
Meesaqun Nab

Pulwama (Jammu and Kashmir): In order to take forward the legacy of her father, a 21-year-old woman from South Kashmir has taken up calligraphy, an ancient art.

Meet Kashmir's budding calligrapher Meesaqun Nabi

Rani Meesaqun Nabi, who is a third-year student of BUMS developed her interest in calligraphy during the period of lockdown. She said that young people are showing interest in this art and she wanted to take this forward.

“My father used to do calligraphy and then during the period of lockdown, I developed an interest in this art. I started drawing and people started liking it. I don’t want this art to die so I decided to pursue this," Rani said.

Meesaqun Nab

“I am a third-year student of BUMS. My father used to do calligraphy and I liked it so much so I decided to take his legacy forward and started this. I started doing this during lockdown as I was able to make time during the period, ” she added.

Also read:Kashmir: South Kashmir's Pulwama would be known as a Pencil District of the country

The budding calligrapher from Tral village of Pulwama gave a message to her fellow students to pursue the art and show their talent in order to be recognised.

“I would like to say to all the people to show their talent as extracurricular activities are equally important as academic studies and other works. I also request all the parents to support their children so that they can be recognised in various fields,” Rani said.

Meanwhile, Raja Adam, her brother said it gives happiness to the whole family seeing her doing this art happily and that she has full family support.

“She got interested in calligraphy as our father was good at it. We all support her to pursue the art form and we are happy to see her doing that. She is now getting many orders and that makes us happier,” Adam said.

Last Updated : Oct 28, 2020, 9:31 AM IST


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