
Two members of Jitender Gogi gang held in Gurgaon


Published : Feb 8, 2019, 7:39 PM IST

Gurgaon: The Gurgaon Police has arrested two dreaded criminals who were wanted in murder, attempt to murder and other heinous cases here, a police officer said Thursday.

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"Following a tip off, Deepak Singh and Mohit, residents of Haryana's Sonepat, were arrested Wednesday night from Dwarka Expressway intersection on Gurgaon Pataudi road," Gurgaon police PRO Subhash Bokan said.

"Both the accused persons are gang members of notorious Delhi-based gangster Jitender alias Gogi, Bokan added. Three country-made pistols, 11 live cartridges and an SUV were recovered from their possession, the police PRO said.

He said he accused persons were planning to execute a crime in Gurgaon but were nabbed by a police team. Four cases of loot and murder have been solved with their arrest, the officer said.

On interrogation, the accused admitted that they were involved in escaping operation of gang's kingpin Jitender alias Gogi while he was in custody of the Delhi Police. They had fired indiscriminately on a police party in 2016 and managed to take away Gogi, he added.

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With inputs from PTI.


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