
'Indians will get more opportunities under Biden'


Published : Jan 20, 2021, 7:11 PM IST

Updated : Jan 20, 2021, 9:37 PM IST

Former California state water commissioner and old friend of vice president-elect Kamala Harris - Ashok Bhatt said that both Biden and Harris have acknowledged the talent of Indian youth which will provide more opportunities for Indians.

Ashok Bhatt with Kamala Harris
Ashok Bhatt with Kamala Harris

Hyderabad: America's first woman Vice-President Kamla Harris's old companion Ashok Bhatt said that India is focussed on eliminating terrorism and is also concerned with neighbouring countries and new government's stance on H1B visa.

In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat's Delhi State Head Vishal Suryakant, Bhatt, former California state water commissioner, talks about priorities of the Biden administration.

Ashok Bhatt, who was also a part of US delegation during Clinton's visit to India, has been living in the US for nearly four decades and now he is playing a very crucial role in linking American politics and Native Indians in America. In addition to Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Richard Geppert, continues to play their part to connect native Indians in Hillary Clinton's election. Kamala Harris is Ashok's old friend and has been associated with him since the time of district-level politics.

'Indians will get more opportunities under Biden''Indians will get more opportunities under Biden'

What are India's expectations from the new US government and what will be the challenges?

The policies of Democrats have always been pro-India. When I came to India with former US President Bill Clinton, democracy started booming. In fact, if we look after 1992, Indians have progressed a lot in the field of technology which also received Clinton's huge appreciation. Now Joe Biden is coming to power who is having experience of 47 years in Politics. When Biden was the Vice President, the Democrat party made the visa policies easy and flexible. Earlier, only 20 per cent of people could get visas, but under his regime, every third Indian could access a visa. Most of the Indian Americans have been given good positions in the Biden government. I can say that there are high chances that India-US bilateral relations will reach great heights. Our future looks very strong.

What are the policies on the migrants and what is India's opinion?

Biden said that there will be changes in all policies, including foreign ones, and the changes will be noticed within 100 days. Policies made by Trump's government will also be changed. Both Biden and Kamala Harris have acknowledged the talent of Indian youth which will be an opportunity for the Indians. With COVID-19 vaccine hitting the market, the economy is also bouncing back to normal.

Apart from migrant policies, what other benefits India can expect? You have seen a long period of Democratic politics. What would you say on this?

India's role in each and every department has always been important and will continue to remain so. India has always contributed to science, science, space, and technology and America is also helping India in aviation and agriculture. The two countries are connected in terms of trade, social, and policies and the bilateral relationship will continue to move forward and there is no question of going back.

Right now the world is suffering from the COVID pandemic and after this, a new round of protectionism is set to come. A policy of reducing dependence on other countries can be adopted in the world. 'Make in India' is already getting attention in India, even in America, Trump was adopting the policy of 'America First', so how will the business go on?

As I said earlier, Biden has 47 years of experience in politics and Trump had recently entered into politics with a narrow vision. Biden knows that local business can be secured only when international trade is promoted. Both Biden and Harris understand that having international relations is very important to fix the long term economy. It is very important to give recognition to the largest democratic country like India.

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The way the Trump government supported India on the issue of terrorism, will the Biden government also support it in the same manner? Indians will also keep an eye on America's relations with China and Pakistan.

Trump's government has only given statements on terrorism and made noise. America's stance on terrorism has been actionable even during the times of George Bush, Clinton, and Obama. During the time of Obama, the world's most notorious terrorist, Osama bin Laden was caught. The relation between India and America is pure, healthy, and will continue to remain the same in future.

Indian Origin Kamala Harris is going to be the Vice-President, but her statement on the issue of removing Section 370 in Kashmir was somewhat different. So what will be her next policy for India?

Kamala Harris told that the people of Kashmir are not alone, we are with them. This does not mean that she is speaking against India. Her statement was spun by the media which created an issue. Harris said that we are with the people of Kashmir but never said that Kashmir is different from India.

The violence of US Capitol Hill was never been seen before. Such an arrangement to maintain law and order during the swearing-in ceremony was not done before. What do people feel about this?

Yes, indeed, what had happened in Capitol Hill has never happened before. Sometimes if the leader gives the wrong command, the public takes law and order in hand and this is what we witnessed in Capitol Hill. The incident was strongly condemned. As a result of this, Donald Trump will not be able to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Joe Biden. 25,000 troops have been deployed to avoid any untoward incident and now, there is no possibility of such disturbance.

What is your opinion on Trump's next politics?

Possibilities for Trump to contest an election is over as his condition has worsened with the passage of time. Most people believe that he should be banned from politics. Let us see what will happen next, but the politics of Republicans have also shaken.

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Like the bonding of Modi and Trump were in discussion, will there be such an atmosphere in the coming time?

India's relation with America is all dependent on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decision. Strengthening of India and US relations largely depends on India. Modi has always kept development on the forefront and is an influential leader. I think the friendship between India-America will remain intact.

Trump always spoke on terrorism, Islamic terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism bluntly? What kind of approach will Joe Biden take on these issues?

Terrorism has no religion. Islam is not a part of terrorism but vice-versa is possible. Islam constitutes 25 per cent of the world's population and 99 per cent of the Muslims are good humans. Modi also understands this and considers terrorism as terrorism. Like every government, the US is also against terrorism. So supporting Islam doesn't mean supporting terrorism, it is completely different.

On the issue of terrorism and diplomacy, America was seen standing with India during trump's administration, but the Trump government had openly criticized India's stance on issues like tariffs, carbon emissions. Many of India's priorities were scrapped. In reaction, India too imposed various customs. Now how will mutual relations go on?

Biden's latest statement shows that he will be very supportive of India. Biden and the Democratic always keep their words and there is no gap between their words and action. The changes in the implementation policies of immigration policies will also be positive. Whatever will happen, it will be for the benefit of India and America.

What kind of policy will India adopt with the new government?

India should always see America as its elder brother. If India will adopt a positive policy, America will also do the same.

Kamala Harris has been your friend. You have seen her entire political journey. What are your expectations from her as Vice President?

Kamala Harris is very confident. Her views are strong. Kamala always thinks for the people and doesn't think about herself. She always talks about the benefit of the nation. She has never lost an election, she is trustworthy and we can keep hope. Kamala Harris has honoured Indo-Americans globally. She stood up against the death penalty which means that she is peace-loving. This characteristic of her took her to the White House. We believe that she will also become the new American President in the future.

READ: Know the new US President Joe Biden

Last Updated : Jan 20, 2021, 9:37 PM IST


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