
Special Court gives UP ATS custody of three terror suspects for questioning


Published : Aug 17, 2022, 11:14 AM IST

Special Court grants Uttar Pradesh ATS plea for custody of three arrested terror suspects for questioning. The terror suspects have been identified as Sabauddin, Nadim, and Habibul, police sources said.

Special court permits UP ATS to take on remand three terror suspects
Special court permits UP ATS to take on remand three terror suspects

Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh):The Special Court judge, Anurodh Mishra, has granted permission to Uttar Pradesh ATS to take custody of three terror suspects — Sabauddin, Nadim and Habibul — for twelve days beginning from August 17 to 29. The UP ATS had earlier pleaded before the Special Court for the remand of the three accused for questioning.

During the investigation, it was found that the three suspects had links with proscribed terrorist organisations such as Jaish-e-Mohammed, ISIS and others operating from Pakistan and Afghanistan. These terrorists were working towards achieving the goal of making India an Islamic state, said sources.

ATS Deputy SP Shailendra Singh Rathore said, "We had sought 14 days remand of both the accused. The application was placed before the Special Court in this regard."

Earlier, Nadim was quizzed by Saharanpur Unit of the ATS from August 8 to 11. During this questioning, it was learnt that Nadim was in contact with terrorist outfits operating from Pakistan and Afghanistan through social media. Nadim also procured information about bomb making technique with the help of social media from these terrorist organisations operating from Pakistan and Afghanistan soil.

Thereafter, Nadim was taken into custody on August 12, and on the basis of his confessional statement, his cohort Saifullah was arrested. The UP ATS also prayed before the Special Court that to ascertain with whom the accused were in contact. the police remand of the suspects will be required. Besides, the arrested persons' mobile and transcripts and data needed verification and scanning so as to establish their network of crime, said police sources. On the other hand, the court asked the UP ATS officials not to use third degree methods on the accused while they were in police custody.


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