
CDS Bipin Rawat's chopper crash: Probe team submits report to Defence Minister


Published : Jan 5, 2022, 9:26 AM IST

Updated : Jan 5, 2022, 7:18 PM IST

The IAF has apprised Defence Minister Rajnath Singh about the findings of the tri-services probe into the December 8 chopper crash, people familiar with the development said on Wednesday.

CDS Bipin Rawat's chopper crash: Probe completed, Defence Minister to be briefed soon
CDS Bipin Rawat's chopper crash: Probe completed, Defence Minister to be briefed soon

New Delhi:Nearly a month after the death of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Gen Bipin Rawat and 13 others in a helicopter crash in Coonoor, the probe committee has completed its investigation and has presented its report to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh today.

The investigation team has finished analyzing all the likely scenarios that may have led to the tragic incident.

"IAF is giving a detailed presentation to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on the CDS chopper crash inquiry report. The tri-services probe report has given its findings on reasons behind the crash & made recommendations for the future chopper operations for flying VIPs," govt sources said.

Top officials of the Indian Air Force (IAF), including the head of the Court of Inquiry Air Marshal Manavendra Singh, are said to have made a presentation before the defence minister about the outcome of the probe.

It is believed that the MI-17v5 pilot may have been left disoriented by inclement weather and accidentally flown into terrains. This is referred to as CFIT, or Controlled Flight Into Terrain.

Sources suggested that the crash was not a result of any technical error in the Mi-17V5 helicopter of the Indian Air Force. However, there is no official confirmation on it.

On December 8, a Mi-17V-5 transport helicopter operated by the Indian Air Force crashed between Coimbatore and Wellington in Tamil Nadu, after departing from Sulur Air Force Station.

The helicopter was carrying Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and 13 others, including his wife and staff.

Thirteen people on board were killed in the immediate aftermath, and Group Captain Varun Singh died from his injuries at hospital seven days later.

Read:Coonoor crash witnesses will be questioned, probe will take few more weeks: IAF Chief

Last Updated : Jan 5, 2022, 7:18 PM IST


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