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Photographer invents 'cycle washing machine'

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Published : Jan 26, 2021, 7:19 PM IST

A photographer from Guntur has developed a low-cost cycling washing machine to reduce the work of women at their homes. The machine costs around Rs 6000 initially.

Prathap developed low cost Cycling Washing Machine
Prathap developed low cost Cycling Washing Machine

Hyderabad: The arrival of washing machine has reduced the work of women at their homes. However, all cannot afford its high cost. To suit such needs, a photographer from Guntur has developed a low-cost cycle washing machine to wash clothes.

Though this gadget looks like a cycle it helps to get fitness through cyclying, which itself is an exercise.

Prathap a resident of Nehru Nagar in Guntur district developed the cycle washing machine that costs less, compared to those with high-end technology.

A photographer by profession, Prathap developed this machine to reduce the workload of women to wash clothes at home.

A photographer developed a low-cost cycling washing machine

He removed the front wheel of the cycle and fixed a stand instead. To ensure pumping of water he fixed a steel drum with two holes and attached the steel vessel to an iron stand to function properly.

After repeated efforts, Prathap finally developed this low-cost device.

Cycling the machine for about 15 minutes will clean the clothes.

By putting clothes into the drum and using washing powder followed by 15 minutes of pedalling will help wash the clothes cleanly, he says.

It is easier for women at home to wash clothes and keep healthy by the physical exercise of cycling this washing machine.

Compared to a normal washing machine, this cycle machine completes washing in less time and easier.

Family members of Prathap claim that washing is easier with this special machine.

Initially, the machine cost would be around Rs 6000, Prathap said.

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