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Youth dies by suicide in Rajasthan as village head reprimands him to end extramarital affair with woman

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Published : Feb 6, 2023, 5:24 PM IST

A youth died by suicide after being reprimanded by the village head for having an extramarital affair with a married girl. The youth's relatives created a ruckus at the woman's house after his death. Unable to bear the shock, his paramour's mother-in-law died.

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lover death etv bharat

Dholpur (Rajasthan): An extramarital affair gone wrong, a youth died by suicide after being reprimanded by the village head while his paramour's mother-in-law died when his family members created a ruckus at the residence of his paramour after his death. On receiving the information, the police rushed to the spot and sent the bodies to the government hospital for post-mortem. Police personnel have been deployed at the houses of the deceased. After the deaths, members belonging to both families are levelling allegations and counter-allegations against each other.

Saipau police station in-charge Sahiram Yadav said deceased Sonu (20) was having an extramarital affair with a married woman in his neighbourhood in Nagla village of Patiala for the past year. The woman's relatives were angry at the youth for having an affair with a married woman. Two days ago, the village head held a meeting and scolded Sonu and they broke his mobile and advised him to keep away from the woman.

Also read: Ghaziabad: Father-Son duo kills woman over extramarital affair

At around 8 pm on Sunday, Sonu attempted suicide at his home by hanging himself to the ceiling fan. His family rushed him to Saipau private hospital, but he was declared brought dead. Angry relatives took Sonu's body to the woman's house and soon after they barged into the house and ransacked it. Unable to bear the shock, the girl's mother-in-law, aged 65 years, died. Some villagers informed the police and after receiving the information, the police rushed to the spot to maintain law and order in the village. Police said they have not received any complaint from the youth's family. Meanwhile, police said many people from the woman's side are absconding.

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