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Consumption Of Dates Is Highly Beneficial In Winters

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Published : Dec 21, 2021, 3:36 PM IST

During winters, many doctors and experts recommend eating dry fruits, which provide many nutrients to the body and also keep us warm from the inside. One such dry fruit that is immensely beneficial for health is 'Date'. Let us know more about it.

how are dates beneficial for health, nutrients found in dates fruits, heathy foods to eat in winters
Health benefits of dates

Also known as ‘Khajur’ in Hindi, dates are also known as energy foods since they contain a plethora of nutrients. Being hot in nature, its consumption is considered very beneficial in winters. However, in Ayurveda, dates are considered healthy for both men and women in all seasons, provided they are consumed in the desired quantity. Delhi-based nutritionist Dr. Divya Sharma says that consuming dates every day in winter is good for overall health as well as beauty.

Nutrients found in dates

Our expert explains that dates provide us with instant energy. It is rich in iron, minerals, calcium, amino acids, phosphorus, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, A1 and C and fluorine. It also contains a lot of glucose, fructose and sucrose. It helps in boosting the body’s immunity as well as reduces the risk of diabetes.

She says that consuming 4-5 dates every day in the winter season can help in keeping the body warm. Along with this, people willing to gain weight are also advised to eat dates. Experts believe that consuming dates boiled in milk at night, especially in winters, doubles its health benefits.

Also Read: Dry Fruits Can Help Increase The Sperm Count

Benefits of dates

  • Dr. Divya says that there are innumerable benefits of consuming dates. Dates are considered very beneficial for bone strength and overall bone health, as they are rich in calcium, selenium, manganese and copper.
  • Being rich in iron, dates are also helpful for patients suffering from anemia.
  • Fiber is also found in abundance in dates, so its consumption is beneficial in constipation, acidity and other digestive problems. Along with this, it keeps cholesterol and fat under control as well as is helpful in problems related to heart and cell damage.
  • Consumption of dates is good for back pain and foot pain in women during menstruation. Alongside, in men, it improves sexual strength.
  • Potassium is found in high amounts, while the content of sodium is lower, which is good for the nervous system. In addition, it also reduces the risk of stroke. If consumed regularly, the levels of LDL cholesterol remain low, hence, maintaining heart health. It protects against the damage caused by the free radicals in the body.
  • Dr. Divya says that since dates boost up immunity, their consumption reduces the risk of infection in winters or when the weather changes.
  • Being rich in protein and fiber, it positively affects the digestive health and especially our intestinal health is maintained.
  • If we talk about the beauty benefits, consisting of antioxidative properties, dates make our skin naturally healthy, nourished as well as moisturised.

Also Read: Health Benefits Of Pomegranate And Its Juice

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