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Common Health Problems Faced By Women

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Published : Dec 11, 2021, 3:30 PM IST

Women amidst all the responsibilities of work and family do not pay much attention to their health and this carelessness can further lead to adverse health situations. Not just in their mid-life, women need to be cautious about their health right from teenage. Here are some common problems women face in their life, which need to be treated on time.

common health problems faced by women, female health, PCOS, PCOD
Common Health Problems Faced By Women

A number of changes take place in a woman’s body throughout her lifetime. While some changes might indicate growth or development in the body, others may be indicating a serious health condition. This is why women need to be extra cautious about their health.

Dr. Vijaylakshmi, a Gynecologist based in Uttarakhand explains that women face different problems as they age, typically related to menstruation and reproductive health. They can experience vaginal pain, itching, Urinary tract Infections (UTIs), irregular periods, unusual vaginal discharge, etc. and if these problems are ignored, they can even worsen. Here are some of the common problems faced by women, as explained by Dr. Vijayalakshmi.

Irregular Menstrual Cycle

It is not normal for any girl or woman to have an irregular menstrual cycle. Problems like irregular periods, long gap between two cycles, clotting, heavy bleeding, prolonged bleeding, spotting, etc. are ignored by women until it begins to show its effects on their health in a major way. Generally, all such issues can be the symptom of PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which is a hormonal disorder and it increases the risk of reduced fertility.

Also Read: Tips To Overcome The Symptoms Of Menopause

Bleeding Despite Menstruation

Bleeding, while not on your periods, is not normal. Dr. Vijayalakshmi explains that sometimes there can be bleeding due to a severe infection in the genitals or vagina or due to some problem related to the uterus or other reproductive organs. In this case, it is necessary to seek medical help and get examined, because it can indicate a serious condition such as cervical or uterine cancer.

Lower Abdominal Pain

This problem is very common in women. Dr. Vijaylakshmi explains that the lower part of our abdomen consists of organs like the intestines, bladder, uterus and ovaries. In case of any infection or problem in these organs, one is likely to experience mild pain in the lower abdomen area, which is usually the first symptom. Women also experience pain in this area during menstruation, which is quite common. But at times, this pain can also indicate problems in the ovaries or uterus. Continuous pain can also be a symptom of endometriosis. Therefore, if you experience pain in the lower abdomen, besides during menstruation, consult your doctor immediately.

Vaginal Discharge

Dr. Vijaylakshmi says that vaginal discharge is normal in women and it is basically a process through which the vagina cleanses itself. However, if the discharge is unusually high, smelly and unusual in colour, it can be a sign of a bacterial infection, yeast infection or a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). Therefore, it becomes very important to contact the doctor immediately.

Also Read: Leucorrhoea Can Be Indicating A Serious Health Problem!

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