
The last of Europe's traditional blacksmiths


Published : Sep 20, 2021, 2:02 PM IST

Updated : Sep 20, 2021, 6:28 PM IST

The Bosnian village of Ocevija is believed to be one of the last places in Europe where iron is still melted and processed the same way as in the Middle Ages. Determined to keep the centuries-long tradition of their forefathers alive, three families in central Bosnia are forging iron in the pre-industrial manner by relying solely on the power of water and fire. It's heated in a charcoal fire, then moved to an anvil to be pounded into the desired shape by a large trip hammer. The last three forges remaining active in Ocevija are powered by the nearby fast-flowing Ocevice river. This village of blacksmiths was first mentioned in written sources in 1485.
Last Updated :Sep 20, 2021, 6:28 PM IST


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