
Healthy alternatives to munch on instead of fried chips


Published : Mar 6, 2023, 12:19 PM IST

Here are some healthy alternatives to the store-brought fried chips, that will help you keep your diet in check.

Healthy alternatives to munch on instead of fried chips
Healthy alternatives to munch on instead of fried chips

Hyderabad: Hectic lifestyles, workloads and mood swings always prompt us to munch on something or the other. We can't sit idle or even work late hours without munching something. Mostly we choose fried chips and all fat-induced foods to quench our short-time hunger. If we could think about something which is healthy as well as munch-worthy, nothing could be better than that. Let's have a look at the following alternatives that could change our food habits.

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Among the healthy chip alternatives, popcorn is one of the best options. It offers the same satisfying crunch as potato chips but has half the calories and a much lower level of fats. Of course, you have to pick popcorn that isn’t drenched in butter and only has some salt on top.

Granola Bar:

Granola Bar

Granola bars are a quick snack for those who need a power boost but make sure you use low amounts of sugar. Homemade granola bars can be made at home with oats, berries, edible seeds and dry fruits that are high sources of fibre and protein.

Peanut Puff Snack:

Peanut Puff Snack

P-nuff Crunch is the only product on the market that’s made from protein-rich peanuts, energy-boosting rice, and navy beans full of dietary fibre.

Cucumber and Carrots Slices:

Cucumber and Carrots Slices

Cucumbers and carrots taste great and make for healthy, high-fibre, and low-calorie snacks. Cucumbers almost entirely consist of water, which means they barely have any calories. Add some salt and apple cider vinegar, and you’ve got a yummy, healthy snack.

Nut Mix:

Nut Mix

Nuts are packed with fibre, high-quality protein, heart-healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Nuts taste great raw or roasted with a bit of salt. (ANI)


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