
Stray dog roams village clenching dead infant; Onlookers click pics


Published : Jun 7, 2021, 10:49 PM IST

While a stray dog ​​roamed around a village in Kanpur district carrying the dead body of a newborn girl in its mouth, local people shot photographs and videos of the rather harrowing incident. This incident was reported in Bhadras village under the Ghatampur police station in Kanpur. On the other hand, there have been no reports suggesting the identity of the dead baby.


Kanpur:While a stray dog ​​roamed around a village in Kanpur district carrying the dead body of a newborn girl in its mouth, local people shot photographs and videos of the rather harrowing incident. This incident was reported in Bhadras village under the Ghatampur police station in Kanpur. On the other hand, there have been no reports suggesting the identity of the dead baby.

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The Uttar Pradesh government has been taking out campaigns to make people aware of the declining girl child ratio by projecting the slogan of 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao'. "A stray dog kept roaming, carrying the dead body of the newborn girl in its mouth for a long time in the village. After that, the dog left the dead baby outside the house of Rakesh Shukla," a resident of the village was quoted as saying by this reporter.

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After the villagers informed the local law enforcement about the matter, the police reached the village and sent the dead infant's body for post-mortem. Police said that the body of a newborn girl, wrapped in black polythene, was left outside the house of Rakesh Shukla of Bhadras village by a stray dog and added that the same was confirmed by CCTV footage. The Police are currently investigating the matter.

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