
Explained: Why India is worried about Houthi attacks on ships passing through Red Sea

By ETV Bharat English Team

Published : Dec 20, 2023, 8:02 PM IST

During a telephone conversation between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Israeli counterpart, the issue of security in the Red Sea came up. Why is the Red Sea shipping route important for India? ETV Bharat’s Aroonim Bhuyan writes.

With Iran-backed Houthi rebels launching attacks on ships passing through the Red Sea amidst the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, India has reason to be worried as was evident during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s latest telephonic conversation with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu.
Explained: Why India is worried about Houthi attacks on ships passing through Red Sea

New Delhi:With Iran-backed Houthi rebels launching attacks on ships passing through the Red Sea amidst the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, India has reason to be worried as was evident during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s latest telephonic conversation with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu.

“The two leaders discussed the importance of securing freedom of navigation in the Bab-el-Mandeb, which is threatened by the aggression of the Houthis, instigated by Iran, and the global interest in preventing attacks on the global economy and trade, as well as the Indian and Israeli economies,” a statement issued by the Israel Prime Minister’s Office issued after the conversation on Tuesday read. “Indian Prime Minister Modi noted that freedom of navigation is an essential global necessity that must be ensured.”

The Houthis, based in Yemen, have been targeting ships carrying cargo for Israel passing through the Red Sea. The Houthi attacks with drones and missiles are a manifestation of the expansion of the Israel-Hamas war that has claimed over 20,000 lives so far, a majority of them civilians in the Palestinian territory of Gaza.

On Tuesday, the Houthis, predominantly comprising Zaidi Shias living in northern Yemen, said that they would not stop their attacks on ships having ties with Israel passing through the Red Sea to exact revenge for the war against Hamas. This came after US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the formation of a 10-nation naval coalition and the launch of Operation Prosperity Guardian to protect commercial vessels passing through the Red Sea. Apart from the US, the coalition comprises the UK, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain.

The Red Sea, linked to the Suez Canal, stands as one of the globe’s busiest maritime pathways, providing an alternative to the longer route around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. This waterway is indispensable, playing a critical role in upholding the political and economic stability of numerous nations. Positioned strategically between Asia and Africa, the Red Sea serves as a significant conduit that separates the Middle East from the Far East and Europe from Asia.

The geopolitical significance of the Red Sea is underscored by its natural role as a border between the eastern coast of Africa and the western coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It functions as a crucial passage for the secure transportation of oil, extending from the Bab el-Mandeb in the south to the Suez Canal in the north. Given that oil remains a primary global energy source, this shipping lane retains its pivotal status as a fundamental channel for the transportation of oil from the Gulf.

Among the vessels that the Houthis have attacked was a tanker carrying a shipment of India-manufactured jet fuel. The vessel narrowly managed to evade two missiles fired by the Houthis near Bab el-Mandeb a week ago. Earlier, in November, the Galaxy Leader, a cargo vessel en route from Turkey to India with 25 people on board was hijacked in the southern Red Sea by the Houthis.

Such incidents have raised serious concerns in New Delhi as the Red Sea shipping route is vital for India’s trade, energy security, and geopolitical influence.

How important is the Red Sea shipping route for India commercially?

The Red Sea serves as a pivotal maritime pathway linking the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, through which Indian commodities, encompassing crucial oil and gas imports, traverse. A substantial segment of India's trade, notably with Europe and North Africa, hinges on the seamless operation of the Red Sea shipping route. Ensuring the security and stability of this route is imperative for India's economic prosperity.

The Red Sea route not only grants India entry to markets in the Middle East, Europe, and North Africa but also stands as a fundamental conduit for Indian exports and imports. This fosters economic connections with nations in these regions, enhancing India’s global trade footprint.

What strategic importance does the Red Sea hold for India?

India’s heightened involvement in the Indian Ocean and surrounding areas aligns with its overarching geopolitical strategy. Establishing and maintaining a presence in the Red Sea region enables India to actively engage in regional affairs and forge strategic partnerships. India is a part of the Quad that also comprises the US, Japan and Australia which is working for a free and open Indo-Pacific, a region that stretches from the east coast of Japan to the east coast of Africa. The Red Sea falls within this region.

The Indian Navy is expanding its footprint in the Indian Ocean and beyond, engaging in anti-piracy operations and joint naval exercises. Securing the Red Sea route is an integral component of India’s comprehensive naval strategy.

Given the current situation, how can India ensure security in the Red Sea?

Though the US-led 10-nation naval coalition has launched Operation Prosperity Guardian to protect commercial ships in the Red Sea, India would prefer a diplomatic solution to end the Israel-Hamas conflict as was evident from Modi’s words during his conversation with Netanyahu.

“Prime Minister reiterated the need for continued humanitarian aid for the affected population (in Gaza) and emphasised an early and peaceful resolution of the conflict, including the release of all hostages, through dialogue and diplomacy,” a statement issued by the Indian Prime Minister’s Office read.

On December 12, India had voted in favour of a resolution in the UN General Assembly (UNGA) that demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict and the unconditional release of all hostages by the Palestinian militant group. India had abstained on a similar resolution in October that called for an immediate humanitarian truce in the Israel-Hamas conflict. Despite abstaining, India had called for unhindered humanitarian access in the Gaza Strip.

However, all eyes are now on a fresh UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution being drafted that calls for cessation of hostilities and funnelling in of aid to Palestinians in Gaza. The vote for the resolution, however, is getting deferred over the issue of wording to avoid a US veto.

The UNSC has come under severe global criticism for its limited action on Gaza throughout the war that started on October 7. To date, the 15-member council has only successfully passed one resolution, urging “humanitarian pauses”. Notably, five other resolutions were dismissed, with two of them blocked by American vetoes.

Also read:

  1. Who are the Houthis and why hasn’t the US retaliated for their attacks on ships in the Middle East?
  2. Missile strikes Norwegian-flagged tanker off Yemen coast in an attack by Houthi rebels
  3. Israel-Palestine war: Why UN Secretary-General invoked Article 99 of UN Charter


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