
Maybe I'll have to leave the country if Biden wins: Trump


Published : Oct 17, 2020, 12:54 PM IST

Trump's latest jab was similar to the one he made last month at a campaign rally in North Carolina, where he said: "If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again."

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Washington:US President Donald Trump joked that he would have to leave the country if he loses the November 3 election to his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

Trump made the remarks at a campaign event in Macon, Georgia, on Friday night, The Hill news website reported

"I shouldn't joke because you know what? Running against the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics puts pressure on me. Could you imagine if I lose? My whole life, what am I going to do? I'm going to say ‘I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics'. I'm not going to feel so good.

"Maybe I'll have to leave the country? I don't know." the President added.

Reacting to Trump's statement, the former Vice President said in a tweet: "I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message."

The anti-Trump Republican group The Lincoln Project posted the video of Trump and captioned it 'Promise?'

Trump's latest jab was similar to the one he made last month at a campaign rally in North Carolina, where he said: "If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again."

While campaigning in 2016, Trump had said that if he lost the Republican nomination for president, he would not remain in the public eye.

Read more:'National security', 'COVID-19'- agenda for next Trump-Biden debate

(With inputs from IANS)


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