
When will govt provide COVID vaccine booster shots: Rahul Gandhi


Published : Dec 22, 2021, 2:11 PM IST

"Majority of our population is still not vaccinated. When will GOI begin booster shots? #VaccinateIndia," Gandhi said on Twitter with Omicron cases rising rapidly across the country.

Rahul Gandhi when will government provide COVID vaccine booster shots
Rahul Gandhi when will government provide COVID vaccine booster shots

New Delhi:Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said a large population of the country is still not vaccinated against COVID-19 and asked the central government when it will begin booster shots.

"Majority of our population is still not vaccinated. When will GOI begin booster shots? #VaccinateIndia," Gandhi said on Twitter with Omicron cases rising rapidly across the country.

He also shared data about COVID vaccination. "There is a daily shortfall of 55.3 million doses (one million is equal to 10 lakh). Going by the current vaccination rate, 42 percent of the population will be vaccinated by December 2021," the data said.

"Aim stop a 3rd wave. Target 60 percent of population with both doses by December 2021. Required vax rate (vaccinations per day) 61 million/day. Actual last 7 days (vaccinations per day) 5.8 million/day. Daily Shortfall in last 7 days (average bad shortfall per day) 55.2 million/day," it further said.

Gandhi has been fiercely critical of the Centre's vaccination policy and has been demanding that vaccinations be speeded up to prevent another COVID-19 surge.

When India vaccinated 2.5 crore people in a single day on September 19 to mark Prime Minister Narendra Modi's birthday, Gandhi had taken a swipe at the government saying the "event" is over now.

On earlier occasions, Gandhi has slammed the Centre over the alleged vaccine shortage across the country.


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