
India rejects OIC's remark on J&K as 'unacceptable'


Published : Aug 6, 2021, 5:45 PM IST

In a hard-hitting statement, MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, "We categorically reject yet another unacceptable reference to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir issued by the General Secretariat of OIC.

Arindam Bagchi
Arindam Bagchi

New Delhi:India on Thursday rejected a statement issued by OIC on Jammu and Kashmir asking them to refrain from allowing vested interests to exploit its platform.

In a hard-hitting statement, MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, "We categorically reject yet another unacceptable reference to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir issued by the General Secretariat of OIC.

"OIC has no locus standi in matters relating to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, which is an integral part of India. It is reiterated that the OIC General Secretariat should refrain from allowing vested interests to exploit its platform for comments on internal affairs of India", he added.

On August 5, 2019, India revoked Article 370 that provides special status to Jammu and Kashmir and decided to bifurcate the state into two union territories of J&K and Ladakh.

On Thursday, the General Secretariat of the OIC reiterated its call to revoke all the steps taken by India on J&K.

"On the occasion of the second anniversary of the unilateral steps taken in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir since 5 August, 2019 to alter the internationally recognized disputed status of the territory as stipulated in the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) reiterates its call to revoke all these steps", the statement issued by OIC said.

The General Secretariat further refers to the decisions and resolutions of the Islamic Summit and OIC Council of Foreign Ministers and reiterates its solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir in their quest for the right of self-determination, the statement added.

The OIC urged to refrain from changing the demographic composition of the disputed territory of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and to respect the basic human rights of its inhabitants.

Furthermore, the General Secretariat reiterated its call on the international community to increase its efforts to resolve the issue of Jammu and Kabye with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

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