
Horoscope 2022: Check what the stars predict for you


Published : Jan 1, 2022, 6:41 AM IST

Do you want to know if the stars have lined up in your favour? Find out how the stars and planets will influence you in the new year. To know the answers to all such questions, read on ETV Bharat, today's horoscope.

Horoscope 2022: Check what the stars predict for you
Horoscope 2022: Check what the stars predict for you

Astrological predictions for January 1, 2022:

Aries (March 21-April 20):The year 2022 may start slowly for the Aries born according to the yearly zodiac predictions in the first quarter. On the flip side, the financial year is beneficial and rewarding regardless of a shaky start at the beginning. More access to earnings may improve your year financially. Previous investments and their interest may also reward you with an extra source of income this year. Your precision for the source of gains may allow you to make extra money this year. Natives who are married or looking to marry their special someone may have a smooth year. Aries students are likely to face challenges in their academic year in 2022. There may be some conflict between your studies and hobbies and you may have to maintain a balance between them in the beginning. Though Aries natives in research may have a fruitful year gaining better results. They may have to pay special attention to their health this year. Thus it is advised for you to be careful throughout the year regarding your health and take proper precautions.

Taurus (April 21-May 21):You may be able to coordinate your actions and achievements very well at the beginning of the year, which may lead to success and celebration. Flows of money may be slightly on the higher side and you may make income through different sources. Those of you who have invested in real estate or in commodities is likely to make some extra money through trading activities. You are very particular about the person you want to be with, and your high standards may help you make the right match. Academically too this year is looking great and positive for those who are working hard and are looking to make a huge difference in their performance. Slowly you are also likely to develop a new passion for a profession that has been unique and important to you. As the earnings for the year may be good, even the asset making exercise may improve this year.

Gemini (May 22-June 21): Therefore, the year may have many supporting factors for you and shall enable you to balance your finances wisely. A desire to develop a relationship with someone close to you may be high this year. As each month passes, the urge to find someone important in your life may also be high. Thus, the desire of finding a life partner may be fulfilled in the second half of the year. Though the year is good for those who have been working hard in pursuing their Masters or even Bachelors. As long as you keep your ailments under control, you may be able to build up your assets and buy a property as the earnings for the year are positive. There may be a mix of results in the marriage department this year. Also, for those who have been married, the year may bring some happy moments from the middle of the year.

Cancer (June 22-July 22):Considering recent past years, the year 2022 is expected to be a favourable year for Cancerians. It may be a year when those who had to use their investments in the past may be able to use them again. There is only one piece of advice, and that is to maintain patience, as convincing them is sometimes difficult. Those who have experienced this phase would benefit from this one looking at settling down in their relationship. Native couples dating each other are also likely to get married. Those who are committed to working hard and plan to beat each goal may be rewarded this year. Additionally, students can expect some surprises during the course of the year. A progressive year is in store for students this year. Your achievements may be made high this year due to hard work. But hard work may come only after investing considerable time in your preparation and application of knowledge from time to time.

Leo (July 23-August 23):This year may be rewarding for all those who work hard and plan to surpass each milestone. Starting from monetary gains, this may be the year where you would take a new resolution of not to lend money to anyone. This may be a year for those who had to use their investments in the past to replenish their investment once again. The year also has some surprises for Students. Though for students pursuing research or who are pursuing an MBA, the year would test your time management and knowledge. Therefore, work hard to make sure you complete the task of finishing the exam on time. Your achievements may be made high this year due to hard work. But hard work may come only after investing considerable time in your preparation and application of knowledge from time to time. So, plan your year wisely.

Virgo (August 24-September 22):Virgos may experience many ups and downs during the year. Your popularity may increase this year among the people you mingle with. The results of your hard work may be apparent for you this year if you have been working hard on your fortunes. Whether it be financial pressure or a lowered self-esteem issue, you face heavy pressure this year. Hence, you should do your best to keep your finances in order this year, especially between January and September. In addition, the year 2022 may be a very good year for students who have planned ahead and worked hard. Take advantage of the academic preparation you receive this year. Taking management courses in a foreign country is a good choice for students this year. In fact, your vigour this year may be high enough to give you a rise in your career.

Libra (September 23-October 23):There may be many progressive and supportive aspects to the year 2022. This would now be more progressive and supportive. Getting a better grip on people may enable you to cope better in the coming year. Changing your working style might be a pleasant change from the monotony you might experience. You would plan to improve your business gains systematically. Those of you who have been planning to marry your beloved partner is likely to find someone interesting and encouraging. Love may slowly blossom and you both may lead a very happy married life. This would be your year in all the facets of your life. With a better life, you would also lead a happy living to make sure you accumulate wealth and build property. All these achievements may be made successful in our life and you shall be quite happy with your achievements towards the end of the year.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22):There is no doubt that time is great, but this would only be accompanied by the right actions you would take. In fact, your efforts are the prime reason for the success that you have been following for a long time. You may find yourself appreciated and cared for by others this year, which may be due to a kind heart towards others. For those of you who have been planning to initiate some important project for a long time, it would be better to postpone the changes you intend to do in your current project, as time is not favourable for you to undertake it now. This would be a year where you would be quite content and observe your list of achievements to go from place to place. Unexpected problems in the family may keep you away from the trip you planned and dreamed about for a long time. Thus, the year may have mixed results but at the same time, you would be happy with your achievements.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21):It is likely that your anxiety level may increase when the year 2022 is discussed, as you would feel relative ease flowing into your daily routine. During the coming year, you may have a positive experience at work and at home. You may find yourself more appreciated and cared for by others this year, which may be due to good deeds and a kind heart towards others. For those of you who have been planning to initiate some important project for a long time, it would be better to postpone the changes you intend to do in your current project. This would enable you to find someone in your life, but the timeline maybe till the end of the year. Observing your list of achievements as you travel from place to place would be a lovely way to end the year. You may be unable to take the trip you had planned and dreamed of for a long time in the face of unexpected family problems. Despite your depressive feelings, chances may find you very soon.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20):Throughout the year, you may experience joy and cheerfulness. By focusing introspectively and by exercising your mind on things other than mundane things, you may rise above the pressures and challenges of routine existence this year. An intimate friendship that always adds profound meaning to your life may prove to be what you need for your entire life. Further, the year is good for those who are looking for a life partner. The timing of your investment is more important after September 2022. You can use the initial few months of the year to plan and analyse what to do and what shouldn’t be done. Some of you would also get the opportunity to work with new partners or business associates. Choose them wisely to avoid any mistake on your partner in fixing the working relationship with them. As the year winds down, you may be delighted with the direction life is taking you.

Aquarius (January 21-February 18):This year, harmony and peace may be the keywords for you. Thanks to the principles of harmony, you would be able to enhance your career this year. Women may have a positive time this year. This is also the year for higher academic learning. Those students pursuing their desired higher studies may have to settle down with the preparation of their academic learning. But the good part is that you would have options to choose from. Thanks to the dedication and hard work that you have been investing in for a long and this may bring you closer to your dream to be fulfilled. Again, those of you who are singles may find the year to be tricky. You may be emotionally connected with someone, but may have some doubts about the newly linked up person. There is a possibility that you may not be happy with the way life would take up a turn and this would make you reconsider your decision to tie the nuptial knot with the person.

Pisces (February 19-March 20):In the coming year, you may become easily agitated and inactive, lacking the motivation to take action and present yourself the way you used to. You have been avoiding expansion plans for a very long time, which has never led to anything serious. Further, those of you planning to earn through various sources of income may do well this year. Efforts and hard work may bring wonderful results in the days to come. Be meticulous in your actions this year as your efforts will play a very crucial role in building your career and also building your financial base. Your financial position is likely to be good throughout the year. For those planning to conceive a child, the year might be good in all walks of your life. The gains that you would have planned are likely to make you progress and give you gains in all walks of your life. So, work hard and the year is here to stay for you throughout the rest of the year.


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