
Chardham Yatra 2022: Gangotri Dham closed for winter


Published : Oct 26, 2022, 3:26 PM IST

Updated : Oct 26, 2022, 5:59 PM IST

With this, Chardham Yatra 2022 comes to an end. Chardham Yatra 2022 started with the opening of the doors of Gangotri and Yamunotri on May 3.

Chardham Yatra 2022: Doors of Gangotri Dham to be closed for winter vacation from today
Chardham Yatra 2022: Doors of Gangotri Dham to be closed for winter vacation from today

Uttarkashi: Ramesh Chandra Tiwari, EO of Badrinath Kedarnath Temple Committee, informed that all the preparations for closing the doors have been completed. Special worship started late Tuesday night and the doors of Gangotri Dham were closed on Wednesday at 12:09 pm in Sarva Siddhi Yoga and Abhijeet Muhurta. Mother Yamuna's palanquin will leave for its winter halt from Yamunotri to Kharsali.

The doors of Badrinath Dham will be closed for the winter at 3:35 pm on November 19 in Meen Lagna. With this, Chardham Yatra 2022 will come to an end. Chardham Yatra 2022 started with the opening of the doors of Gangotri and Yamunotri on May 3.

The number of devotees who visited Gangotri Dham from May 3 to October 24 was 6,24,371.Gangotri Dham is located in the Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand.Similarly, Gangotri and Yamunotri Dham located in Uttarkashi, have witnessed 1,110,006 devotees so far.

The doors of Gangotri Dham were closed on Wednesday, while the doors of Yamunotri will be closed on Thursday. This year the doors of Badrinath Dham were opened on May 8 for the Chardham Yatra. And till October 24, 1,644,085 devotees visited Badrinath Dham. Badrinath Dham is located in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand on the banks of river Alaknanda.

This time there was special enthusiasm among the devotees to visit Kedarnath Dham. The doors of Kedarnath were opened on 6 May. Till October, 15 lakh 55 thousand 5 hundred and 43 devotees visited Lord Kedarnath. Of these, 1 lakh 54 thousand 1 hundred and 82 pilgrims visited Kedarnath by helicopter. Many devotees arrived this year to visit Badrinath and Kedarnath Dham.

The total number of devotees who reached Badrinath-Kedarnath Dham till October 24 stood at 31 lakh 99 thousand 6 hundred and 28. Talking about the devotees visiting the Char Dham in Uttarakhand, more than 43 lakh devotees visited. The total number of pilgrims who visited all four Dhams stood at 4,309,634 until October 24 this year.

Last Updated : Oct 26, 2022, 5:59 PM IST


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