
INS Tarkash participates in KONKAN bilateral exercise


Published : Aug 16, 2019, 4:21 AM IST

INS Tarkash, the Indian Navy's stealth frigate has participated in 14th Edition of KONKAN annual bilateral exercises between Indian Navy and Royal Navy of Britain.

INS Tarkash participates in KONKAN bilateral exercise

New Delhi: The 14th Edition of KONKAN series of annual bilateral exercises between Indian Navy and Royal Navy of Britain is currently underway off the South Coast of UK.

"INS Tarkash, the Indian Navy's stealth frigate is exercising with the Royal Navy's Daring Class Destroyer, HMS Defender with integral helicopter Wildcat," Indian Navy said in a statement.

KONKAN-19 will involve Gunnery Shoots, Manoeuvres, Cross Deck Flying, ASW Screening and Air Defence exercise. The thrust of the KONKAN this year is on Anti-Air warfare, Anti-Surface Warfare, Flying Operations and Seamanship Evolutions of varying complexities.

"KONKAN aims to promote mutual understanding and provide exposure to operating procedures, communication measures and best practices. This allows both Navies to develop greater confidence to operate together during maritime missions," read the Navy's statement.

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