
BJP plans for massive campaign to counter farmers' protest


Published : Dec 12, 2020, 8:39 PM IST

Accusing the opposition parties of supporting farmers' protest, BJP's National spokesperson, Sudesh Verma said that the party has planned a massive campaign across the country to promote the controversial farm laws against which farmers have been protesting.

BJP plans for massive campaign to counter farmers' protest
BJP plans for massive campaign to counter farmers' protest

New Delhi: As the deadlock between protesting farmers and the government continues, the BJP has planned a massive campaign across the country to promote the controversial farm laws against which farmers have been protesting.

Speaking to ETV Bharat, party's National spokesperson, Sudesh Verma said that the oppositions have politicised the farmers' protest. BJP will address questions and concerns people have about the farm laws.

"The government is ready to listen to the farmers, and if the farmers have any confusion then they can consult the government. As the opposition parties are not getting any point to criticise the government, they are taking part in any protest for the sake of their existence," Verma said.

Slamming opposition parties, Verma said, "Despite the farmers union's request against the entry of political parties in the protest, the oppositions kept trying to become a part of the agitation. All of this just to get a chance to oppose the Modi government."

"The government is ready to consider with an open mind any provision in the new laws where farmers have any issues and we want to clarify all their apprehensions. The government kept waiting for suggestions from farmers' leaders to address their concerns, but they are stuck on the repeal of laws," he said.

"The opponent party is trying to give a different shape to this movement, which is not right for the country. And no country runs in such a way that the law is made in the Parliament and if it is opposed then it should be abolished," he added.

"The political parties who are talking about changes and reforms or trying to provoke the farmers will be overturned by their own spoken words one day. There is a need to make the agriculture more productive because it is not very productive in our country and the Prime Minister had set the framework for its development. Opponents should stop politicising on this issue," he further added.

ALSO READ:Enacted farm laws to protect farmers, says Tomar


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