
Chennai Double Murder: Retired Army Soldier and Siddha Doctor, Wife Hacked to Death

By ETV Bharat English Team

Published : Apr 29, 2024, 12:14 PM IST

Updated : Apr 29, 2024, 1:39 PM IST

Sivan Nair, a retired army soldier and Siddha doctor, along with his wife Prasanna Kumari, were gruesomely murdered in their home on Second Cross Street, Mittanamalli Gandhi Main Road near Avadi, Chennai. Police said that the assailants, posing as patients, slit the couple's throats and fled the scene.

Sivan Nair, a retired army soldier and Siddha doctor, along with his wife Prasanna Kumari, were gruesomely murdered in their home on Second Cross Street, Mittanamalli Gandhi Main Road near Avadi, Chennai. The police are actively collecting CCTV footage and engaging forensic experts to gather evidence and nab the accused.
Chennai Double Murder: Retired Army Soldier and Siddha Doctor, Wife Hacked to Death

Chennai:In a case of double murder, a retired Army soldier, who is also a Siddha doctor, a specialised segment in Ayurveda, and his wife were killed in their residence on the Second Cross Street, Mittanamalli Gandhi Main Road near Avadi, Chennai. Police suspect that the murderer entered the house posing as a patient and then killed the couple.

The deceased were identified as Dr Sivan Nair and his wife Prasanna Kumari, a retired teacher. Highly regarded in their neighbourhood for their dual roles as Siddha doctors and their dedication to serving the community, the couple provided holistic healthcare to locals at their residence also doubled as a Siddha clinic.

Police said that on a routine Sunday evening, as Dr Sivan Nair attended to patients in their home clinic, individuals posing as patients entered the premises, only to brutally attack the couple, slashing their throats before fleeing into the night. Neighbours who heard the couple's screams alerted the Muthapudupet police.

Upon receiving the information about the incident, the police rushed to the spot and found the couple lying dead in a pool of blood. Police said that the bodies have been sent for post-mortem examination and an investigation into this incident is on.

Avadi City Police Commissioner Shankar visited the spot and took cognizance of the incident. Deputy Commissioner of Police Ayman Jamal led the police force as they descended upon the crime scene, initiating a search for clues. The police teams scrutinised the CCTV footage from the vicinity and also deployed sniffer dogs in the area.

Additionally, forensic experts combed through the crime scene, documenting any evidence that could lead to the apprehension of the perpetrators.

Last Updated : Apr 29, 2024, 1:39 PM IST


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