
Minor Girl Found Unconscious in Field at Bihar's Arrah, Gang-Rape Alleged

By ETV Bharat English Team

Published : Feb 2, 2024, 7:16 PM IST

Updated : Feb 2, 2024, 7:35 PM IST

The father of the minor girl alleged that there was political hatred behind the miscreants kidnapping his minor daughter from their house and later gangraping her. The incident took place when he went to attend a wedding function while his wife and son and daughter were at home. Some of the accused are reportedly detained. Police said that whoever has committed any offence will be arrested.

Minor girl found unconscious in field, gang-rape alleged at Bihar's Arrah
Minor girl found unconscious in field, gang-rape alleged at Bihar's Arrah

Arrah (Bihar) : About eight to 10 miscreants allegedly gang-raped a minor girl who was found in an unconscious state in a field at Bihar's Arrah. Family members alleged that the girl was sitting inside the house and studying when the miscreants forcibly took her to a field outside the village and then gang-raped her. After the incident, the police have arrested four accused, while search is going on for the other accused.

The whole incident took place late on Thursday night in a village under the Gidha OP (observation post) in the Koilwar police station area. The family members have admitted the girl to Arrah Sadar Hospital for immediate treatment. As soon as information about the incident was received, the local police reached the spot and got the girl medically examined.

The father of the victim girl is a leader of a political party and he is also a relative of an MLA of the ruling party. The victim's father said that today there was a wedding ceremony in the village next to them. So, at their house, there were only his wife, 13-year-old daughter and a young son at home. His daughter and son were sitting in a room and studying.

Then 8 to 10 youths from the village forcibly entered the house, beat up a family member and took away their minor girl. "The girl was taken away from the village and gang-raped in the fields. When we came to know about it, we ran there and found all the youths who were with our girl at that time. After this, they all started beating us. After some time the police came there and took them away with them," the girl's father said.

'Political hatred':- The girl's father has accused the miscreants of carrying out this incident due to political hatred. Gidha OP in-charge Priya Shila, who came to investigate the matter, said that investigation is going on. "Medical examination of the girl is being done. Nothing seems like that. The condition of the girl is fine. We are trying to find out what has happened to her. The investigation will be started after the family members give a written application. "Whoever is involved in this will be arrested," said Priya Shila, Gidha OP in-charge.

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Last Updated :Feb 2, 2024, 7:35 PM IST


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