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Punjab Cong chief slams Amit Shah comment on law and order situation

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Published : Nov 18, 2022, 11:42 AM IST

Hitting out at the Home Ministers' statement on law and order situation in Punjab, Congress leader Raja Warring questioned the timing of the statement saying Shah was trying to gain political mileage in the upcoming Gujarat assembly elections

Etv Bharat
Etv Bharat

Chandigarh: Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh Raja Warring has hit out at Union Home Minister Amit Shah for his statement over the law and order situation in the state. Congress leader's comment came after, Shah, on Thursday, targeted the AAP government saying since it came to power in the state, there has been an increase in crime rate in Punjab.

Raja Warring while hitting out at the Home Minister, questioned the timing of the statement. He alleged that Shah was trying to gain political mileage in the upcoming Gujarat assembly elections. “Had you made the statement six months ago, it could be understood. Why are you making such statements now? Do you want to take advantage of this in the Gujarat elections, because the people of Punjab have rejected you?” he said.

Also read: Punjab Congress chief Warring launches 'Tiranga Yatra' from Khemkaran

The Congress leader also did not spare the AAP saying the party had withdrawn from the assembly election in the hill state (Himachal Pradesh) seeing no prospect. “The 'B team' (of BJP) has been sent to Gujarat to divide the Congress votes there,” he alleged. Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann too decried Home Minister Amit Shah's statement on law and order situation in the border state.

Mann said that Punjab is at number 15 in criminal cases much behind UP and Bihar saying that crimes are the “highest in BJP governed states”. Mann said Shah was uncomfortable with the rising popularity of AAP and was trying to defame the party. Shah on Thursday expressed concern over the law and order situation in Punjab and said that the Centre is keeping an eye on the situation in Punjab.

The Central government will not let the situation in Punjab go out of control under any circumstances, he said.

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