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Gujarat: Family of three attempt suicide over 'financial stress', two die

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Published : Aug 1, 2023, 3:42 PM IST

Updated : Aug 1, 2023, 3:55 PM IST

Neighbours said the family was undergoing financial crisis and had also received a notice to vacate their rented accommodation. Police said that the survivor would be questioned and the actual cause of death will be revealed following post-mortem.

Family of three attempt suicide
Family of three attempt suicide

Vadodara: Three members of a security guard's family attempted suicide, reportedly due to severe financial stress.

While Mukesh Panchal, head of the family survived, his wife and son died. Preliminary investigations have revealed that the woman consumed poison, her son hanged himself from the ceiling of his room and the man slashed his wrist with a blade.

Mukesh, who works as a private security guard was admitted at SSG Hospital in a seriously injured condition and is currently undergoing treatment. The Panchal family has been living at a rented house in Kachia Pol of Piramitar Road in Ravpura police station area in Vadodara for the last five years.

The incident came to light at around 6.30 am today after their neighbour saw Mukesh bleeding profusely. He immediately shouting out for help. Police were informed and soon senior officials arrived. The forensic team has also reached.

Police said that two bodies have been sent to Sayaji Hospital for post-mortem. "Prima facie it seems to be a case of suicide but whether they were murdered or not will be revealed in the post-mortem report," Rameshbhai Kamol, ASI of Ravpura police station said.

Nitinbhai Mistry, a local resident said, "I was sleeping and my friend woke me up to inform me about the incident. When I went upstairs, I saw that the boy hanging from the ceiling while his mother had consumed poison."

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Neighbours suspected that acute financial crisis drove the family to take such a step. They said that the family had recently got a notice to vacate their rented accommodation and was under immense stress.

Last Updated : Aug 1, 2023, 3:55 PM IST
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