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BRICS Summit 2023: PM Modi avoids stepping on tricolour ingnia, picks it up and keep it with himself

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By ETV Bharat English Team

Published : Aug 23, 2023, 3:36 PM IST

Updated : Aug 24, 2023, 2:13 PM IST

At the 15th BRICS summit convened in Johannesburg, the international spotlight turned to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's remarkable show of reverence towards the Indian Tricolour. This captivating moment unfolded on a Wednesday, as global leaders congregated for the customary group photograph, a ritual deeply embedded in such gatherings of international significance.

PM Modi doesn't step on Tricolour at 15th BRICS summit
PM Modi doesn't step on Tricolour at 15th BRICS summit

Johannesburg: During the 15th BRICS summit held in Johannesburg, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's display of respect for the Indian Tricolour has garnered attention and appreciation worldwide. The incident took place on Wednesday, where world leaders had gathered for a group photo, a customary ritual during such international gatherings.

As leaders positioned themselves for the photograph, the flags of the BRICS member countries were strategically placed on the ground to indicate the designated standing spots for each leader. It was during this arrangement that PM Modi noticed the Indian insignia lying on the floor, seemingly disrespected due to its placement. Without hesitation, Modi immediately bent down, gently picked up the flag, and carefully placed it in his pocket, signifying his deep reverence for the national emblem.

This spontaneous action by Prime Minister Modi didn't go unnoticed. Among the leaders present, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa had accidentally stepped on his country's flag. However, upon observing Modi's gesture, Ramaphosa swiftly followed suit and rectified the situation by picking up his country's flag as well. This sequence of events showcased the power of leadership by example and the mutual respect among nations.

Earlier in the day, Modi and Ramaphosa engaged in a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the summit. During their discussions, both leaders took stock of the progress achieved in the bilateral relationship between India and South Africa. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) subsequently released a statement highlighting the satisfaction expressed by both leaders regarding advancements in diverse sectors including defence, agriculture, trade and investment, health, conservation, and people-to-people ties.

The talks extended beyond bilateral matters, encompassing global issues and collaborative efforts. Modi and Ramaphosa shared views on mutual interests within multilateral bodies and regional affairs. Notably, Ramaphosa voiced his strong support for India's G20 presidency and commended India's initiative in granting the African Union full membership in the G-20. He also looked forward to visiting New Delhi for the upcoming G-20 Summit. (With Agency inputs)

Last Updated :Aug 24, 2023, 2:13 PM IST
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