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At UNGA, US to focus on respect for core principles of international order: White House

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Published : Sep 17, 2022, 6:29 AM IST

"The core message that I think you're going to hear from leaders across the US government next week is that respect for the core principles of the international order is needed now more than ever," Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House John Kirby.

US to focus on respect for core principles of international order
US to focus on respect for core principles of international order

Washington: At the United Nations General Assembly session this year in New York, the United States would focus on respect for the core principles of the international order, which it says is needed now more than ever in view of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Chinese aggression against its neighbours, senior administration officials said.

"As President Biden has made clear since taking office, the United States is committed to renewing our engagement with all regions of the world as we partner on tackling the most pressing challenges affecting us. The core message that I think you're going to hear from leaders across the US government next week is that respect for the core principles of the international order is needed now more than ever," Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House John Kirby told reporters here.

The UN General Assembly begins next Monday. US President Joe Biden will attend the UN general Assembly on Wednesday, September 21, he said. On September 20, Secretary of State Tony Blinken will co-chair the African Union, European Union, and Spain the Global Food Security Summit, which also will be co-hosted with Indonesia, Germany, Nigeria, and Colombia.

The goal of the summit, he said, is to reaffirm the commitment of world leaders to act with urgency and at scale to respond to the pressing global food crisis and avert famine for hundreds of millions of people around the world.

On September 21, Biden will host the seventh replenishment pledging session for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The fund enables programmes that prevent, detect, and treat the deadliest infectious disease killers today, and will help make sure that they have the resources they need to build strong, resilient health systems within their communities, he said.

"The president will also take this opportunity to encourage all nations to do more to help meet the proposed target of USD18 billion to be raised by 2025. And then lastly, on Wednesday evening, the president and first lady will host the heads of delegation and spouses at a diplomatic reception, Kirby said. (PTI)

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