

యువకుని ఆదర్శం


Published : Feb 22, 2019, 6:35 AM IST

Updated : Feb 22, 2019, 9:27 AM IST

సమాజంలో పెళ్లిచేసుకోవడానికి వధువైనా.. వరుడైనా ముఖ్యంగా చూసేది ఎత్తు.  కానీ సిద్దిపేటకు చెందిన ఓ యువకుడు మరుగుజ్జు మహిళను ఎలాంటి సంకోచం లేకుండా వివాహం చేసుకుని ఆదర్శంగా నిలిచారు.

'ఎత్తు' సమస్య కానేకాదు

పెళ్లి చేసుకోవడానికి ముందు అనేక విధాలుగా ఆలోచించి ప్రతి విషయంలో ఆచితూచి అడుగు ముందుకు వేస్తున్న కాలం ఇది. సిద్దిపేటకు చెందిన చిదురాల విద్యాసాగర్(25)​ ఇవేవి పట్టించుకోలేదు. హైదరాబాద్​కు చెందిన రవళి(22) అనే మూడు అడుగుల రెండు అంగుళాలున్న మరుగుజ్జును పెళ్లి చేసుకున్నాడు. ముషీరాబాద్​లోని హైటెక్​ ఫంక్షన్​ హాల్​ దీనికి వేదికైంది.

హైదరాబాద్​లోని మహంకాళి ప్రాంతానికి చెందిన వీరవల్లి శ్రీనివాస్​, పద్మ దంపతులకు ఇద్దరు సంతానం... కూతురు రవళి పుట్టుక నుంచే మరుగుజ్జు. స్టాన్లీ ఇంజినీరింగ్​ కళాశాలలో బీటెక్​ ఆఖరి సంవత్సరం చదువుతోంది. దూరపు బంధువైన రవళిని విద్యాసాగర్​కు ఇచ్చి పరిణయం చేయాలని పెద్దలు నిర్ణయించారు. అంతే కాకుండా అబ్బాయి ఇల్లరికానికి సైతం అంగీకరించాడు.

ఇష్టాలకు సంబంధించిన విషయం

ఇది ఇద్దరి ఇష్టాలకు సంబంధించిన విషయమని... ఎత్తుతో ఏం సంబంధమని అంటున్నారు విద్యాసాగర్​. మరుగుజ్జును వివాహమాడటంలో ఎలాంటి నిరాశలేదని ఆయన​ అంటున్నారు.

తన లోపాలను ఎత్తి చూపకుండా ఎంతో ఆదర్శంగా తనని పెళ్లి చేసుకోవడాన్ని రవళి ఆనందంతో ఆహ్వానించారు.

'ఎత్తు' సమస్య కానేకాదు

ఇవీ చదవండి:నేడు సీఎల్పీ సమావేశం

Rome - 21 February 2018
1. Survivors of sexual abuse holding news conference
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Mary Dispenza, SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) representative in Rome, Sexual abuse survivor:
"Through the ages, through decades they have said they want to address, it's not good enough to say we want to do something about it. It's time for Pope Francis to say 'we are going to do something about it, and these are the things we are going to do'. One of the things we want them to do is have 'zero tolerance' policy for any bishop who has covered up crimes of sexual abuse, to have them leave. And any priest who has abused or sexually violated a child, a teen, or vulnerable adult, to make them leave. We, as survivors, believe that he can do that. That he, Francis and his bishops have the power to start that process right away. There is no more time."
3. Wide of news conference
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Mary Dispenza, SNAP representative in Rome, Survivor of sexual abuse:
"I think that those who tore that statue down deserve praise and credit for having the courage to say 'this man does not represent the best in the Catholic church. This man represents the worst'. And I think it's symbolic of what we'd like to see. We would like to see all the perpetrators gone and destroyed, so that was an action, symbolic action of what needs to happen."
5. Pull out from news conference
A survivor of clergy sex abuse said that pulling down the statue of an alleged abusive priest in Poland was an important and symbolic act which represented the will of all abuse survivors.
While Pope Francis has gathered church leaders from around the world at the Vatican to grapple with the church's sex abuse crisis, video footage showed three men attaching a rope around the statue of the late Monsignor Henryk Jankowski in the northern city of Gdansk and pulling it down to the ground under the cover of darkness.
The activists then placed children's underwear in one of the statue's hands and a small white laced church vestment worn by altar boys on the statue's body to symbolize the suffering of children molested by the prelate.
It was a striking act in a country where more than 90 percent of the population identifies as Roman Catholic and where the church still enjoys significant authority in public life. Still, that position in the long-term is very much in question as secularization grows hand-in-hand with a flourishing economy.
Church leaders are also alienating those Poles critical of its close ties to the conservative ruling party, which is accused by many of having anti-democratic tendencies.
Police said that the three men were arrested and that an investigation had been opened into whether they committed the crime of "insulting a monument," which can carry the punishment of either a fine or imprisonment.
Jankowski, who died in 2010, rose to prominence in the 1980s through his support for the pro-democracy Solidarity movement and its leader, Lech Walesa, in their struggle against Poland's communist regime.
World leaders, including President George HW Bush and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, visited his St. Brygida church in recognition of his anti-communist activity.
But in recent months, allegations have surfaced that Jankowski abused minors, mostly boys.
In a manifesto, the activists said they were acting to protest a failure by church leaders to fully investigate the Jankowski case and take steps to make future sex abuse less likely.
The activists placed rubber tyres on the ground to cushion the fall of the statue, explaining that their goal was not to physically destroy the monument but rather to upend "the false and hideous myth" of the priest.
By the time morning came, however, authorities had cordoned off the area and covered the statue.
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Last Updated : Feb 22, 2019, 9:27 AM IST


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