
Nutritious snack ideas for your perfect movie night


Published : Jul 21, 2023, 3:47 PM IST

Here are a few healthy and delicious snack ideas for your weekend movie night.

Nutritious snack ideas for your perfect movie night
Nutritious snack ideas for your perfect movie night

Hyderabad: For a perfect movie night, you'll want delicious snacks. But typical snacks usually are often high in calories while lacking essential nutrients. A movie night with healthy snacks is a great way to enjoy your free time while maintaining a balanced diet. Here are some ideas for delicious and healthy snacks to enjoy during your perfect showtime:

Homemade Popcorn:

Homemade Popcorn

Pop your popcorn at home using a hot air popper or on the stovetop with a small amount of healthier oil like olive oil. Season it with your favourite herbs and spices instead of unhealthy toppings.

Fresh Fruits:

Fresh Fruits

Prepare individual fruit cups with a mix of seasonal fruits. They are a refreshing and guilt-free option to enjoy during the movie. You can always be creative by adding ice cream and nuts to it.

Hummus with Vegetables:

Hummus with Vegetables

Enjoy hummus with veggie sticks, carrot sticks, cucumber slices, bell pepper strips, or celery. Hummus is a good source of protein and healthy fats.

Mixed Nuts:

Mixed Nuts

Prepare a mixture of nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews. Nuts are rich in healthy fats, protein, and various nutrients.

Dark Chocolates:

Dark Chocolates

A small amount of dark chocolate can satisfy your sweet cravings. It contains antioxidants and may offer some health benefits. It also has less sugar than typical candies. (ANI)


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