
Can Breast Cancer Be Diagnosed During Pregnancy?


Published : Nov 21, 2020, 4:31 PM IST

Pregnancy and childbirth are considered as re-birth for a woman, and a healthy pregnancy is nothing less than a blessing for a couple. What if there are complications like Breast Cancer during pregnancy? Etv Bharat Sukhibhava spoke to renowned Oncologist Dr. P. Raghu Ram, who is also Founder, CEO & Director, Ushalakshmi Breast Cancer Foundation and Director, KIMS-USHALAKSHMI Centre for Breast Diseases, and shared his insights with us.

breast cancer in pregnancy, pregnancy, child birth, breast cancer
Pregnancy and Breast Cancer

Sonam (name changed) a 27-year-old lady was diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy. On one hand it was the most awaited moment of her life, the joy and bliss of the life growing inside her womb and then she had felt a lump in her breast. Then the tests that followed and the diagnosis of breast cancer had left her devastated. Her mind was full of questions relating to breast cancer and pregnancy.

Can Breast cancer be diagnosed during pregnancy?

Breast cancer can rarely be diagnosed during pregnancy.

Can pregnancy be continued after thediagnosis of breast cancer?

Depending on the trimester (stage of pregnancy), a decision has to be made whether or not to continue pregnancy. The decision to terminate a pregnancy is a very personal one. It can be made only by the patient and her partner, following a discussion with the specialist team and obstetrician.

There is no evidence to suggest that termination will improve the outcome for women in this situation. However, a termination may be discussed if chemotherapy is recommended during the first trimester if breast cancer is the type that can grow more rapidly or has spread to other parts of the body. Whatever decision is made, it is important to remember that it is very individualized.

Can breast cancer during pregnancy affect the baby?

There is no evidence that having breast cancer during pregnancy affects the baby’s development in the womb. Cancer cannot be passed on to the baby and there is no evidence that the child will develop cancer in later life as a result of the mother being diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy

What are the treatment options when cancer is diagnosed during pregnancy?

Effective treatment can be given during pregnancy and the specialist team must discuss the options fully with the patient. Generally, the treatment offered will depend on the type and extent of breast cancer, the trimester (stage) of pregnancy when the cancer is diagnosed in and individual circumstances. The specialist team must include both a cancer specialist and an obstetrician

Is Breast cancer aggressive when diagnosed during pregnancy?

There is no conclusive evidence that breast cancer during pregnancy is more aggressive than breast cancer occurring at other times. However, for some women there may be a delay in diagnosis because of the difficulty of detecting cancer in the breast at this time

Can Surgery be done during pregnancy?

Surgery can safely be done in all trimesters of pregnancy. As radiotherapy cannot be given during pregnancy (as it can harm the baby), mastectomy (i.e. removal of the breast) is usually recommended.

Can radiotherapy be given during pregnancy?

Radiotherapy is not given during pregnancy as it can harm the baby.

Can chemotherapy be given during pregnancy?

If breast cancer is diagnosed during pregnancy, chemotherapy may be given during the second and third trimesters (between three and nine months into the pregnancy). It is not usually given earlier than this because the foetus grows very quickly early on and could be affected by the drugs.

Can hormone therapy be given during pregnancy?

Hormone therapy is not usually given during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It still needs to be addressed on a case to case basis.

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