
Akhada founded by Adi Shankara still functions at Bhavnath


Published : Dec 14, 2020, 7:26 AM IST

Jagatguru Adi Shankaracharya had started many Akhadas (gymnasiums) to propagate religion and inspire sanyasins and other devotees to follow religious behaviour. It was in that course that the Panch Dashnaam Agni Akhada was started from time immemorial at the foothills of Bhavnath where today millions of people gather during Shivratri and for parikrama.

Adi Guru Shankaracharya
Adi Guru Shankaracharya

Junagadh (Gujarat): A very long time ago, Adi Guru Shankaracharya had begun the tradition of setting up Akhadas with the objective of propagating Hindu religion and inspire people to follow a religious way of life. For the same purpose the Panch Dashnam Agni Akhada was set up in the foot hill of Girnar at Bhavnath which is still functioning and is attended by millions of devotees during the Shivratri festival and for parikrama.

System of working of Akhada and appointment of the Mahant

The Akhada, founded by Adi Guru Shankaracharya, is untouched by the modern ways of life. The religious traditions of yesteryears can be found being followed here even today. The idol of mother goddess Gayatri has been installed in the Akhada. To become a sanyasi in the Akhada one has to either be a Brahmin or a Kshatriya. Member of no other castes is accepted as a sanyasi.

The appointment of Mahant of Panch Dashnaam Agni Akhada is done during the Maha Kumbh congregation, considered an important festival of the Hindus. Heads of various Hindu religious institutions from the country and abroad attend the Kumb congregation. It is in their presence that the Mahant of the Akhada is appointed who in turn appoints the manager of the Akhada. The manager, called Thanapati, is entrusted with the responsibility of managing the affairs of the Akhada and organizing religious programmes.

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