
Google commemorates 74th Republic Day with intricately hand-cut paper art Doodle


Published : Jan 26, 2023, 11:19 AM IST

The search giant Google commemorated India's 74th Republic Day with an artwork created using intricately hand-cut paper. The artwork features the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the India Gate, the North and South Block, and a contingent and motorcycle-borne 'Daredevils'.

Google marks 74th R-Day with doodle based on hand-cut paper art
Google marks 74th R-Day with doodle based on hand-cut paper art

New Delhi: The search giant Google has commemorated India's 74th Republic Day with an artwork that uses intricately hand-cut paper and features iconic landmarks such as Rashtrapati Bhavan, India Gate, North Block and South Block, a contingent and motorcycle-borne 'Daredevils'.

The doodle artwork is crafted from intricately hand-cut paper. Many elements of the Republic Day parade are represented in the artwork, including the Rashtrapati Bhavan (where the president resides), the India Gate, the CRFP marching contingent, and motorcycle riders. The doodle depicts the letters 'g', 'o', 'g', 'l' and 'e' in lowercase black fonts while a circle over the dome of the President's House symbolically represents the other 'o' in 'Google'. A peacock and floral patterns add a layer of charm to the art in monochrome.

A Gujarat-based artist, Parth Kothekar, was the guest illustrator for the doodle celebrating India's republic Day. It took Parth Six hours a day for Four days to complete the artwork as he wanted to demonstrate India's complexity, with all its interconnected facets! Upon his reaction, after being approached by the search giant for the artwork the artist replied, "I had goosebumps! I reread the email multiple times as I couldn’t believe it and with joy I informed my mother and sister about it. I’d never thought that I would get such an opportunity!" A video featuring the work that went behind the doodle was shared by the website.

"My inspiration was to create a portrait of India. The exhibition that takes place during the Republic Day parade is vast and humbling! I wished to weave various strands and elements of it together." says the artist regarding his inspirations for the artwork. "During my school days, every year I would be mesmerized by the Republic Day parade. Receiving this opportunity enlivened that fascination and I thoroughly enjoyed diving into it as I went into details of every facet displayed on the papercut. I learned a lot through this process," said the artist reminiscing the Republic Day parades he attended in his childhood.

Also read:Sand Artist Sudarshan Pattnaik creates sand sculpture to mark 74th Republic Day

On this day in 1950, India declared itself a sovereign, democratic, and republic state with the adoption of the Constitution. "India gained its freedom from the British Empire in 1947 and began drafting its Constitution soon after. The India Constituent Assembly took two years to discuss, modify, and approve the governing document, and when adopted, India became the country with the longest constitution. The adoption of this document paved the way for democracy and empowered Indian citizens to elect their own representatives," said the website.

"To celebrate the national holiday, there are various parades around the country, with the largest one taking place at Rajpath (now Kartavya Path), a ceremonial boulevard in New Delhi," it said. After a ceremonial wreath laying to honour fallen soldiers, regiments of India's armed forces and tableaus representing cultural and historical heritage march through the street. To conclude the festivities, the Beating Retreat ceremony takes place on the evening of January 29.


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