
US: Speaker directs House to open impeachment inquiry into President Biden

By AP (Associated Press)

Published : Sep 13, 2023, 11:10 AM IST

Updated : Sep 13, 2023, 11:44 AM IST

Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who directed the US House to open an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden over his family's business dealings, said that House investigations so far paint a 'picture of a culture of corruption' around the Biden family as Republicans probe the business dealings of the president's son, Hunter Biden.

Speaker McCarthy directs the House to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden
Speaker McCarthy directs the House to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden

Washington : Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced on Tuesday he is directing the US House to open an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden over his family's business dealings, launching historic proceedings ahead of the 2024 election. McCarthy said that House investigations so far paint a 'picture of a culture of corruption' around the Biden family as Republicans probe the business dealings of the president's son, Hunter Biden, from before the Democratic president took office.

These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption, and they warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives, McCarthy, R-Calif., said at the Capitol, announcing that he was directing the House led by the Oversight Committee "to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

The White House shot back, calling the action in the midst of the presidential campaign extreme politics at its worst. House Republicans have been investigating the president for nine months, and they've turned up no evidence of wrongdoing, said spokesman Ian Sams. The White House and others pointed to McCarthy's past statements when he insisted a speaker could not unilaterally launch an impeachment inquiry or it would have no legitimacy.
McCarthy flipflopped because he doesn't have support, Sams said.

In fact, the Republican leader faces mounting pressure from his right flank to take action against Biden or risk being ousted from his leadership job while he also is struggling to pass legislation needed to avoid a federal government shutdown at the end of the month. McCarthy is launching the inquiry on his own, without a House vote, and it's unclear if he would even have enough support for approval from his slim GOP majority. Some Republicans have panned the effort as unwarranted, not seeing evidence that reaches the Constitution's bar of high crimes and misdemeanours.

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An inquiry is a step toward impeachment, and McCarthy essentially outlined the potential charges as he prepared to brief lawmakers behind closed doors this week. The inquiry will be led by Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, in coordination with Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and Ways & Means Chairman Jason Smith. They are heading across the Capitol on Wednesday to brief the Senate.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has warned House Republicans off the effort, but said Tuesday: "I don't think Speaker McCarthy needs advice from the Senate. Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called the impeachment inquiry absurd. The Republican speaker is once again at a political crossroads trying to keep his most conservative lawmakers satisfied and save his own job. It's a familiar political bind for McCarthy, who is juggling the impeachment inquiry and a government shutdown threat with no clear end game.

Government funding is to run out on September 30, which is the end of the federal fiscal year, and Congress must pass new funding bills or risk a shutdown and the interruption of government services. Minutes after McCarthy spoke a chief Republican critic stood on the House floor deriding the inquiry as merely a baby step and reviving the threat of ousting the speaker. We must move faster, said Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.

The White House has insisted Biden was not involved in his son's business dealings. And Democrats are stepping up to fight against what they view as unfounded claims against him ahead of the 2024 election as Republicans attempt to blur the lines with Donald Trump, who is the Republican frontrunner in a comeback bid for the White House.

Former President Trump was twice impeached by the House but acquitted by the Senate. He now faces more serious charges in court, indicted four times this year, including for trying to overturn the 2020 election Biden won. (AP)

Last Updated :Sep 13, 2023, 11:44 AM IST


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