
White House press secretary has coronavirus


Published : Oct 5, 2020, 9:44 PM IST

Kayleigh McEnany has said that she has coronavirus and is beginning a quarantine process. However, McEnany added that she would continue to work remotely.

Kayleigh McEnany
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany

Washington: White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has tested positive for coronavirus, three days after the US President Donald Trump announced that he and the First Lady Melania Trump have COVID-19.

McEnany said in a statement that she tested positive on Monday morning and is experiencing no symptoms at this time. She spoke briefly with reporters on Sunday evening but said that no members of the White House press corps spent enough time around her to be considered close contacts.

Read also:2 US senators test positive for COVID-19; cases rise in White House

She is beginning the quarantine process and “will continue working on behalf of the American people remotely".

White House officials have said that President Donald Trump is anxious to be released from the hospital as early as Monday, after three nights at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he's being treated for COVID-19.

“This is an important day as the president continues to improve and is ready to get back to a normal work schedule,” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told Fox News on Monday.



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