
Reasons Why Women Cheat In A Relationship


Published : Dec 3, 2020, 3:38 PM IST

When it comes to relationships, women are burdened more to carry it out till they can physically and mentally, but what if a woman cheats on her husband or partner, for another man? The first question that comes to our mind is she allowed for an extramarital affair, or can she cheat on her partner. Is it ethical? Let's find out the reasons why women cheat on their husbands/partners.

relationship issues, why women cheat? sex life not satisfactory
Women and Relationships

When we come to know about someone who cheated on their partner, as a society, our instant reaction has always been to judge them. We think of cheating as an immoral act that only a bad human being can commit. But what if we tell you that many of them are only lonely humans. In fact, when it comes to a woman there are numerous emotional reasons that push her to seek affection outside of her relationship. One of the biggest is the thankless nature of her job of being a good partner. "Women tell me, 'I was lonely, not connected, I didn't feel close to my partner, and I was taken for granted,'" marriage and family therapist Winifred Reilly says. "They say they wanted to have someone who would look into their eyes and make them feel sexy again."

Here are 4 reasons that will help you not judge women who have cheated but understand what must have gone in their minds.

  1. They feel unappreciated and neglected:In a society like ours, where it is an unwritten rule that women will take care of the household and the kids; husbands tend to not appreciate their wives for all the effort she puts in every single day. They might feel like a housekeeper, a nanny, or even a provider, instead of a wife, or an equal partner. So she might seek out someone who appreciates her for who she is and not her services.
  2. They are lonely:In a relationship, after one point the partners stop putting in efforts to make it exciting. When the husband has long working hours or is not good at communicating or making his wife feel emotionally secure, she will start feeling lonely even if she is surrounded by other people in the family.
  3. They want intimacy:It may not just be physical intimacy. Perhaps they want to go to a party with their husbands, or snuggle on the sofa and watch a movie, or just have fun together. In short, they want to have the life of a wife or partner rather than a housekeeper or caregiver. When this need is unmet in the relationship, they might want to fill the void with another partner.
  4. Their sex life is not satisfactory:Let’s get this straight; sex is important in a relationship, so much so, that the lack of it can disrupt the relationship. It is a misconception that only men need or enjoy sex and that might cause the husband to not take her desires into account or know about her needs. To get that satisfaction, she might seek a partner outside of her relationship.


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