
PM's security breach: Ministers seek action; Thakur says MHA to take tough decisions


Published : Jan 6, 2022, 10:55 PM IST

The Union cabinet on Thursday discussed the issue of security breach during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Punjab. Union minister Anurag Thakur said that strict actions will be taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs after gathering information on the issue.

The Union cabinet is learnt to have discussed on Thursday the issue of security breach during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Punjab, with several ministers expressing concern over the development and seeking "exemplary action" in the matter.
PM's security breach

New Delhi: The Union cabinet is learnt to have discussed on Thursday the issue of security breach during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Punjab, with several ministers expressing concern over the development and seeking "exemplary action" in the matter, sources said.

They said all the ministers expressed anguish over the "major security breach" during Modi's visit to the Congress-ruled state on Wednesday, with some demanding strong action.

The cabinet meeting, chaired by the prime minister, was held virtually after a week's gap. It started with several ministers raising the issue and expressing anguish over the manner in which the Congress government in Punjab has dealt with it.

Union minister Anurag Thakur later said big and tough decisions will be taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) after gathering information on the issue.

"A number of ministers also felt that there should be exemplary action in the matter, so that such events are never repeated again. They also said that never before has a prime minister's security been compromised in this manner," one of the ministers said on the condition of anonymity.

The sources said the issue is being discussed at the highest level and the Union home minister may take some exemplary action to avoid the recurrence of such an event.

Also Read:MHA constitutes panel to probe PM's security breach during Punjab visit

Thakur said the MHA is gathering information about the incident and will take "big and tough decisions".

He said some people have already approached the Supreme Court in this regard.

"The home ministry has also asked for action and accountability in the matter. After information and details are received, big and tough decisions that need to be taken will be taken by it," Thakur told reporters when asked about the issue.

He said everyone in the country has expressed their views on the "massive lapse" in the prime minister's security.

"Some people have gone to the Supreme Court also. The court is cognisant of the matter.

"It is my firm belief that the country's judicial system ensures justice to everyone and when such mistakes happen, whatever steps need to be taken will be taken," the minister added.

Modi earlier met President Ram Nath Kovind and briefed him on the security breach during his visit to Punjab, drawing his concern over the serious lapse.

In a "major security lapse", the prime minister's convoy was stranded on a flyover due to a blockade by protesters near Ferozepur on Wednesday, following which he had to return from poll-bound Punjab without attending any event, including a rally in Ferozepur.

Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi has denied any security lapse or political motive behind the incident and said his government is ready for a probe.

Union minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi took a swipe at the Congress over the incident, saying the opposition party's hatred for Modi has made it a "criminal conspirator".

The BJP leader accused the Punjab government of "deliberate criminal negligence" against Modi, a "popular and admired leader" in the world, as part of its "cowardly conspiracy".

The Congress is making different claims to cover up this serious "criminal conspiracy", he alleged.



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