
Omicron in India: Delhi, Kerala, Karnataka report fresh cases


Published : Dec 20, 2021, 1:56 PM IST

The number of Omicron positive cases in India reached the 171 mark after Delhi reported six, Karnataka five, and Kerala four more cases on Monday. A total of 11 states in India currently have active Omicron cases.

Omicron count in India reaches 167
Omicron count in India reaches 167

New Delhi: Delhi, Karnataka, and Kerala reported six, five, and four more Omicron cases respectively on Monday pushing the total number of such cases in India to 171.

Maharashtra has reported 54 cases of the new Coronavirus variant, the highest in any state so far.

Other states with Omicron positive cases include Rajasthan (17), Karnataka (19), Telangana (20), Gujarat (11), West Bengal (4), Kerala (15), Delhi (28) and Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh and Tamil Nadu with one case each.

Meanwhile, the country recorded 6,563 new Covid-19 cases and 132 deaths in the last 24 hours, according to the official website of the Ministry of Health and Family Affairs.

Read:India in better position due to vaccination, but caution is key, says top genome scientist on Omicron threat

The Omicron cases in India are experiencing a rapid surge, raising concerns among the experts as well as the common masses. A few days back, in a press conference held by the top health officials of the country, it was advised to avoid unnecessary travel and keep the cerebration of the upcoming festivities low-key amid the uncertainties around the new variant of the Coronavirus.

Read:Fauci says omicron variant is 'just raging around the world'


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