
Beauty Hacks For Brides-to-be


Published : Nov 19, 2020, 2:45 PM IST

Updated : Nov 19, 2020, 5:12 PM IST

Marriages are a grand affair in India, everything is festive and colorful. Here are few beauty hacks for the brides-to-be for their D-day. The beauty mantra is keeping yourself hydrated and rest all follows.

chapped lip fix, make-up, acne fix
Beauty Hacks for Bride-to-be

As marriage is once a lifetime affair, every girl wants to look her best for the day. But the look of the day requires a strict regime in terms of beauty and hair care. But there is nothing to worry about as there are always some quick fixes that can save the day.

For brides-to-be, there is no substitute for a consistent skincare routine and a well planned pre-bridal appointment with a dermatologist. If you haven't done so until the last moment, these quick remedies will help you look your best on your big day.

Remove makeup before bed
Double cleanse your face by using micellar water followed by a mild face wash to remove makeup completely before you sleep. If you are too tired by the end of the day (especially after one too many celebratory cocktails), keep alcohol-free makeup remover wipes at your bedside for a quick cleanse.

Chapped lips fix
For instantly soft and lipstick-ready lips, mix sugar, coconut oil, and honey and apply over lips. Leave on for 10 minutes and gently exfoliate lips with a clean toothbrush.

De-puff eyes
To avoid eye puffiness, elevate your head by using an extra pillow under the head when sleeping. This will prevent fluid pooling under the eyes. To temporarily reduce undereye puffiness, place chilled (brewed) green tea bags over closed eyes for 10mins.

Acne fix
Waking up with a pesky zit is every bride's worst nightmare. Cleanse your face every night with a salicylic acid-based face wash and exfoliate gently once a week. If you do breakout, resist the urge to pick at it. Instead, use acne patches with hydrocolloid to speed up healing and conceal acne under the wedding makeup.

Keep the frizz away
A tried and tested home remedy for shiny, frizz-free hair is to mix apple cider vinegar, yogurt, honey, and aloe vera. Use this as a hair mask for 30-minutes and rinse off with a mild shampoo for glossy strands. (Patch test for possible allergies)

Don't experiment
Last-minute changes to your skincare routine might do more harm than good since there isn't enough time to recover from an unexpected reaction. Closer to the D-day, avoid any new products or treatments, and stick to what you know suits your skin best.

Watch your diet
A week prior to the wedding, avoiding excessive consumption of dairy and high sugar foods will help prevent acne flares and bloating. Especially for those prone to rosacea, limiting the intake of alcohol and spicy foods will ensure no red flares.

Last Updated : Nov 19, 2020, 5:12 PM IST


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